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New Play “The Santa Closet” (AUDIO)

By Charlotte Robinson, November 25, 2019
This week I talked to playwright/performer Jeffrey Solomon about his play “The Santa Closet” that will have its premiere Tuesday December 3rd at Teatro Círculo Theater at 64 East 4th Street in NYC with a limited engagement through Sunday December 22nd presented by Houses On The Moon. “The Santa Closet” is an updated version of Solomon’s acclaimed solo play “Santa Claus is Coming Out” which premiered Off-Broadway in 2009. On the 10th anniversary of that production this new version reflects the advances & nuances in our understanding in our understanding of LGBTQ lives & remains as timely 10 years later as when it first broke ground. In “The Santa Closet” little Gary's gender atypical gift request sent to the North Pole is denied. A series of subsequent heartfelt letters from the child nudge Santa Claus out of the closet right into the center of a heated culture war. The play is directed by Joe Brancato with the creative team of Claire DeLiso (scenic design), Christopher S. Chambers (lighting design), Yana Biryukova (projections design) & Obadiah Eaves (sound design/original music). The Production Stage Manager is Jamie Rose Bukowski. “The Santa Closet” runs from December 3rd to 22nd performing on Wednesdays & Thursdays at 7P, Fridays at 8P, Saturdays at 2P & 8P & Sundays at 3P with an additional performance on Tuesday December 3rd at 7P. Tickets are $35 with special reserved seating available at $55. I talked to Jeffrey about what he hopes to accomplish with “The Santa Closet” & his spin on our LGBTQ issues.  LISTEN:
For More Info & Tix: housesonthemoon.org
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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