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Transgender Day Of Remembrance

By Charlotte Robinson, November 20, 2019
During the past year 331 transgender & gender-diverse people were murdered globally. Brazil had the highest number of these hate crimes with 130 killings reported, Mexico had 63 & the U.S. reported 30 with 29 transgender & gender-expansive people murdered this year including one who was killed several years ago but was only identified this year. Marilyn Willis, PFLAG National Board of Directors member stated, “For more than 20 years, Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) has been an opportunity to commemorate those lives taken by senseless violence. As the parent of a Black transgender woman, I demand justice for those lost & for the community at-large to support the leadership of trans women of color to end this epidemic of violence. We must fight for non-violence & non-discrimination, strive to create an inclusive society & continuously advocate for trans people of color in every aspect of their lives (i.e. health, work, relationships & home). We must seek accountability for those who do harm against trans women of color due to transphobia, racism & misogyny. Let us all boldly show our love & support & give more attention to the leadership, wellness & livelihood of those most impacted by this epidemic. If you have genuine love for all human beings, then you believe that all lives are precious & deserve the right to thrive in the world free from ignorance & intolerance.” With 3,317 transgender & gender-diverse people murdered worldwide since January 2008 we must resolve & end this global crisis.
For More Info: transequality.org
Joshua Lyon Talks New Edie Windsor Memoir (AUDIO)
Hear Audio Chats w/ LGBTQ Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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