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SAGE Welcomes New Board Members

By Charlotte Robinson, August 07, 2023

SAGE the world’s largest & oldest organization dedicated to improving the lives of LGBTQ elders welcomes David de Figueiredo, Staci Alexander & Loren Ostrow to its Board of Directors. David, Staci & Loren bring decades of expertise in policy, finance & community building that will serve as incredible assets to SAGE’s work in advocating for LGBTQ elder rights & health equity. David de Figueiredo stated, “SAGE is committed to improving the lives of LGBTQ+ older adults & is a leading voice in advocating for their rights & well-being. SAGE has been recognized for its pioneering work in this field & is a trusted resource for LGBTQ+ seniors, their families & caregivers & I am proud to serve on its board.” Staci Alexander added, “I am honored to support SAGE’s mission to improve the lives of LGBTQ+ adults. SAGE is advocating for the right to age with dignity as we celebrate our diversity & community. I look forward to working with my fellow board members to help SAGE continue to innovate & grow its services, network & advocacy.” Loren Ostrow concluded, “I am delighted to join the Board of Directors of SAGE. The Board, its CEO, Michael Adams & its talented staff & volunteers are a dedicated group of individuals deeply committed to addressing the unfortunately vast needs of LGBTQ+ seniors brought on by the continuing homophobia of our society. It is an honor to join with them to ensure that SAGE has the resources, financial & otherwise, to carry out its mission.” Founded in 1978 SAGE offers supportive services & consumer resources to LGBTQ+ older people & their caregivers. 

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