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Gay Activists Seek Prop 8 Trial Video

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Today at the United States District Court in San Francisco at 9A PST gay couples & myriad news outlets will ask Chief Judge James Ware to allow public access to the videotapes of the historic trial that ruled Prop 8 unconstitutional. “The marriage equality movement is about the coming out of our relationships & our families – the truth of our lives. Marriage equality opponents seek at the same time to silence our families & silence the trial evidence in this case. Let the tapes come out and speak for themselves,” stated Stuart Gaffney, Marriage Equality USA’s Media Director. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Chat with Richard Emmanuel, visionary & dedicated political activist talks about the importance of the words we use towin LGBT Equality

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Hurricane Irene Shuts Down Boston

Hurricane Irene arrived in Boston with high winds & plenty of rain. We stocked up on food & water prepared for the worse case scenario. Watching trees sway in the winds we hear emergency workers sirens off in the distance. Obama warned Americans to take Hurricane Irene seriously & urged them to obey orders. “All indications point to this being a historic hurricane,” Obama said in a statement to reporters as he left Martha’s Vineyard heading back to Washington. We’re just toughing OUT the storm & hoping for the best. Updates to Come….:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with hip-hop duo Jackson & Coleman Vrana of Elephant who’s controversial new music video Queer Nation takes on homophobia

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Rick Perry Signs Homophobic Vow

Big surprise Rick Perry has signed that nasty homophobic petition to back a federal constitutional amendment against marriage equality. Some folk think it’s a reversal from a month ago when the Texas governor said he was supportive of individual states' rights & that he was fine with New York's approval of gay marriage. But we know he’s just another hatemonger like the other GOP presidential candidates with the exception of course of the openly gay republican candidate Fred Karger. Perry told the chief homophobe Tony Perkins of the anti-gay Family Research Council, "Obviously gay marriage is not fine with me. My stance hasn't changed. I believe marriage is a union between one man & one woman." Since 53% of the country disagrees with his position & supports marriage equality it’s going to be a very interesting year. Updates to Come….:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with hip-hop duo Jackson & Coleman Vrana of Elephant who’s controversial new music video Queer Nation takes on homophobia

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Openly Gay Tim Cook New Apple CEO

It’s always exciting when network news interrupts itself with a breaking story. Steve Jobs stepping down from Apple was only part of the picture. Our LGBT community has a new role model as Tim Cook has been named CEO of Apple replacing Jobs. In May OUT Magazine’s Power 50, ranked Cook number one beating out Ellen Degeneres. Cook was actually outed earlier this year by tech media. However the important thing is that he’s out & will be a great inspiration for our LGBTQ teens who are 4 times more likely to attempt suicide then their heterosexual peers. The 50 year old Cook was noted as a "leader-in-waiting" after taking the CEO reins on numerous occasions while Jobs was on sick leave. He joined Apple in 1998 & served as Chief Operating Officer responsible for the company's worldwide sales & operations. For Newsy Video Info... Updates to Come..:)
Exclusive Audio Chat w/ hip-hop duo Jackson & Coleman Vrana of Elephant who’s controversial new music video Queer Nation takes on homophobia

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Provincetown Tops Census For Gay Couples

Provincetown Massachusetts has become the new gay capitol in America when it comes to number of gay couples cohabiting. Strangely the new gayest state is the District of Columbia. P-Town has been a favorite gay destination both for summer vacations & year round living for years. Provincetown has now beat out Palm Springs, California as the most same-gender couples per 1,000 households. According to analysis by the Williams Institute of Census data from the 2010 survey released Thursday for five states including Massachusetts, it was revealed that P-Town has 163 same-gender couples per 1,000 households. Second place goes to Wilton Manors, Florida with 140 gay couples per 1,000 households & Palm Springs trails with 115.
For the full Report….
Exclusive Audio Chat with hip-hop duo Jackson & Coleman Vrana of Elephant who’s controversial new music video Queer Nation takes on homophobia

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Rare Earthquake Rocks East Coast

The east coast got a wake-up call from Mother Nature as a 5.9 earthquake rocked the east coast from Virginia to Boston. Washington, D.C. had building evacuations & it was felt as far north as Rhode Island, NYC & even Martha's Vineyard where Obama is vacationing. In Boston some builds swayed where OUTTAKE MEDIA™ is located but our corporate loft escaped any serious damage…:) Updates to Come…
Exclusive Audio Chat with hip-hop duo Jackson & Coleman Vrana of Elephant who’s controversial new music video Queer Nation takes on homophobia

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Kill the Gays Bill Dies in Uganda

The Uganda Cabinet has finally thrown out the “Kill the Gays Bill” on the advice of Adolf Mwesige the ruling party lawyer. However David Bahati, the homophobic architect of the Bill insists the proposed legislation is now property of Parliament & that the Executive should stop “playing hide- &- seek games” on the matter. The decision to throw out the Kill the Gays Bill was made at a Cabinet meeting last week where Mwesige told ministers that the Bill was unnecessary since Uganda has a number of laws in place criminalizing gay activities. The Kill the Gays Bill criminalizes all gay relations in Uganda & proposes the death penalty for sodomy. Homophobe Bahati & his group maintain that the country should have stronger laws against our LGBT community in order to protect the moral fabric that holds society intact. Sound familiar?? Wake Up America!! Updates to Come...
Listen to the Full Audio Interview with Gay Ally Rev. John Makokha who runs educational awareness seminars on human sexuality & gender identity programs in Kenya @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

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Chely Wright & Lauren Blitzer Wed

What could be a better Sunday story then reporting that openly gay country singer Chely Wright married gay activist Lauren Blitzer yesterday in Connecticut. Chely who’s a Christian vegetarian from Kansas & Lauren’s a Jewish meat eater from New York City so the wedding had to reflect both brides' personas. A rabbi & priest presided over the ceremony with New York City barbecue restaurant Blue Smoke handling the menu. Over 200 guests attended. Chely met Lauren in the spring of 2010 working together on LGBTQ teen advocacy issues in NYC where they reside. Congrats Chely & Lauren!! :)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Albert Maysles on his film the cult classic GREY GARDENS, LGBT Rights & More @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

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New Hope for Gay Foreign Spouses

As Obama headed out for his vacation in Martha’s Vineyard Thursday his administration unveiled new immigration policy that could allow gay immigrants facing deportation to stay in the United States. This could be the policy that could enable bi-national gay couples at the risk of separation to stay together in this country. The administration officials will now weigh a person’s ties & contributions to the community & family relationships. A senior administration official said these criteria are inclusive of LGBT families & same-gender couples stating, “We consider LGBT families to be families in this context.” Under current immigration code heterosexual Americans can sponsor their spouses for residency in the United States through the green card application process. The same rights aren’t available to gay Americans because gay marriage isn’t legal in many places in the country & because DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) prohibits federal recognition of these marriages. Steve Ralls, a spokesperson for Immigration Equality said the new change seems like “good news” for bi-national same-gender couples who are facing imminent separation via a deportation or removal order. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Albert Maysles on his film the cult classic GREY GARDENS, LGBT Rights & More @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay Ally Anne Hathaway Speaks OUT

Gays ally Anne Hathaway has been in NYC making the TV talkers scene promoting her new film 'One Day'. She has been very outspoken for our LGBT community. We loved her in "The Devil Wears Prada" &"Brokeback Mountain". She has a role as Judy Garland in an upcoming biopic & an appearance on "Glee," as Kurt's lesbian aunt. Not to mention she’ll be playing the iconic Catwoman in “The Dark Knight Rises" that’s currently in production. Hathaway has done an "It Gets Better" video, received an award from HRC & quit Catholicism in support for her gay older brother. The 'One Day' actress who has been in a relationship with actor Adam Shulman for 3 years stated, "I'm convinced that a few guys I've dated are gay & they won't admit it. I think we've all done that." Hathaway also thinks that her home state of New Jersey should "get on the New York bandwagon & make steps to legalize gay marriage”. We couldn’t agree with her more & that’s why we love Anne Hathaway.
Exclusive Audio Chat with Albert Maysles on his film the cult classic GREY GARDENS, LGBT Rights & More @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Gay GOP to Honor Senator Susan Collins

With Maine in the process of getting gay marriage on their 2012 ballot the Log Cabin Republicans will honor "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" repeal champion Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) to headline their National Dinner. She will be presented with the Spirit of Lincoln Award on Sept. 20th the day 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' officially ends. "Senator Collins is the reason why the failed 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' policy will be relegated to history. We have always been proud of her leadership on behalf of gay & lesbian Americans & we are excited for the opportunity to honor her work," said R. Clarke Cooper, Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director & Army Reserve officer. "Senator Collins has further demonstrated her steadfast commitment to fairness through her support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act & achieving tax parity for health care. She remains the tip of the spear in the fight for equality. "The Log Cabin National Dinner will beheld Sept 20th @ the Hyatt Regency in Washington, DC.
For More Info & Tix….
Exclusive Audio Chat with Albert Maysles on his film the cult classic GREY GARDENS, LGBT Rights & More @ OUTTAKE VOICES™

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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