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Dolly Parton Apologizes to Gay Couple

By Charlotte Robinson, August 02, 2011
Last month a lesbian couple Olivier Odom & her partner Jennifer Tipton were at Dollywood when Odom was told to turn her "Marriage is so Gay" t-shirt inside out because it could be deemed as "offensive to other visitors" & that Dollywood was "a family park". Odom complied with the request but wrote a letter to Dollywood later asking the park to "implement policies that are "inclusive of lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender people" & "inclusive of all families." She also stated that she felt Dollywood's policy about not allowing clothing or tattoos with offensive messages should be more clearly spelled out. We were horrified by this incident since Dolly Parton is a strong gay ally & supporter of marriage equality. However Dolly Parton has issued an apology to the offended lesbian couple stating, “I am truly sorry for the hurt or embarrassment regarding the gay t-shirt incident at Dollywood’s Splash Country recently”. (Read the statement in comments….) Exclusive Audio Chat with Nicole Conn about her new film “A Perfect Ending” that stars Morgan Fairchild, John Heard, Barbara Niven & newcomer Jessica Clark & more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™ SUPPORT OUR QUEST @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:) View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Dolly Parton said...

I am truly sorry for the hurt or embarrassment regarding the gay and lesbian t-shirt incident at Dollywood’s Splash Country recently. Everyone knows of my personal support of the gay and lesbian community. Dollywood is a family park and all families are welcome. I am looking further into the incident and hope and believe it was more policy than insensitivity. I am very sorry it happened at all.

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