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Gay Elderly Housing Planned For Spain

By Charlotte Robinson, October 03, 2011
We’ve talk about this a lot. In this country our LGBT seniors are being forced back into the closet in nursing homes in fear of homophobia by other residents & health care workers. Besides the fact that we are not entitled to our spouses social security benefits in America it’s very difficult to find gay-friendly facilities for LGBT seniors. This is changing in Spain where gay marriage has been legal nationally since 2005. Dealing with the same aging issues a new retirement home for gay people is in the works in Spain by the December 26th Foundation. A short train ride from central Madrid, a vacant site is being transformed into Spain's first ever retirement home for gay & lesbian residents designed by Touza Architects. The December 26th Foundation were given a low-cost 75-year lease on the land to provide affordable housing for LGBT seniors living on their pensions. The above is a picture of how the facility will look that will provide 115 apartments, a gym, spa & restaurant. We need to address this issue in America now so that our LGBT seniors will have housing options tomorrow.
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1 comment:

Federico Armenteros said...

Gay old people have to go back in the closet when they enter retirement homes. We have established the December 26th Foundation to deal with this issue. It is named after the date in 1979 when the law used during Gen Franco's dictatorship to imprison homosexuals - or to send them for "cure" with electric shocks - was repealed. For many years, a lot of people believed that homosexuals were sick and sinners. That is more pronounced among older people and hard to change. So the foundation has been working on a solution. It has formed a co-operative,recruited architects and designed a luxury, landscaped retirement complex - complete with 115 apartments, gym, spa and restaurant.

Federico Armenteros runs the
December 26th Foundation in Madrid

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