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Gay Widow Gets Presidential Citizens Medal

By Charlotte Robinson, October 13, 2011
Janice Langbehn has been awarded the 2011 Presidential Citizens Medal. The medal will be awarded to 13 citizens. In 2007 Janice was refused access to her dying partner by a Miami hospital staff because of her sexual orientation. After hearing Janice’s story, President Obama revised our hospital visitation regulations to include protections for same-gender couples. "It breaks my heart to even imagine how it must feel to watch the person you love most in this world slip away without having a chance to say goodbye. Janice's bravery in the face of tragedy & her courage to share her story in order to make a lasting difference for all of us is a true inspiration. We offer her our most enthusiastic congratulations & gratitude to this advocate who has helped make our nation a safer place for everyone." said Mike Thompson, Acting President of GLAAD. The Citizens Medal was established in 1969 to recognize American outstanding citizens who have performed exemplary deeds of service for their country or their fellow citizens. Janice will accept the award on Thursday, October 20th, which also happens to be Spirit Day -- a day on which millions of Americans will wear purple in support of LGBT youth. Janice has committed to wearing purple at the awards ceremony. Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Sarah Schulman, gay historian, playwright & award-winning writer about her most new must-read novel THE MERE FUTURE, LGBT Activism & more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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1 comment:

Janice Langbehn said...

None of this would have been possible without GLAAD. Without GLAAD I would not have received the media attention and training that I so needed while in deep grief. Without GLAAD, our family and Lisa’s legacy would have been a one-time article in my local paper, instead of creating national change so all LGBT individuals will not die alone while their partner and children are behind locked doors.

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