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Report Confirms Bias Against Gay Families

By Charlotte Robinson, October 25, 2011
Every few weeks there’s a new report addressing gay marriage or LGBT inequities in America. The latest has appeared on the AP discussing what gay parents have to deal with in states that do not recognize their relationship & how this may effect their children. The report states that hat possibly 1.2 million kids are being raised by gay & lesbian parents without any federal rights & protections for their families. "There are myriad ways that our LGBT families are discounted by government at all levels & children are hurt the most," states Jennifer Chrisler of the Family Equality Council, 1 of the 3 groups authoring the report. These are the facts Washington should be dealing with to repeal DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act), pass the Respect of Marriage Act & protect our LGBT families. Updates to Come…:)
Exclusive Audio Chat with Abigail Breslin who has come a long way since her role as LITTLE MISS SUNSHINE, about her new film JANIE JONES, LGBT Teen Bullying & more

Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Lisa Polyak said...

There will be a concerted effort during the legislative debate to highlight the challenges facing children of gays and lesbians. If you care about children, you should care that the parents don't have the legal tools to take the best care of them. The root of my activism is denial of equal treatment of my children. One child told my daughter she was not allowed to come over to our house because we weren't really a family. For them, it's a constant source of sadness and hurtfulness.

Lisa Polyak, Chair of Equality Maryland

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