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Lesbian Alison Nathan Becomes Fed Judge

By Charlotte Robinson, October 14, 2011
The U.S. Senate confirmed by a vote of 48-44 openly gay Alison Nathan to serve as a federal judge on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. There were some unhappy campers from a conservative women’s group about the “impartiality & judicial temperament” of the out lesbian nominee. Nathan has become the 2nd of 4 openly gay appointees from President Obama to be confirmed to the federal bench. In July as you remember the Senate confirmed J. Paul Oetken also to the Southern District of New York. “The President welcomes the confirmation of Alison Nathan. She will serve the American people well from the District Court bench,”a White House spokesman said.
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1 comment:

Joe Solmonese said...

We commend the Senate for their important vote today, confirming Alison Nathan to the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. Ms. Nathan’s demonstrated intellect and dedication to public service is a model of achievement. She will join Judges Deborah Batts and Paul Oetken in the Southern District of New York as the only openly lesbian or gay federal judges. We look forward to the day when the makeup of the entire federal bench truly represents the diverse American public.

Joe Solmonese President of HRC

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