We wish our LGBT community strength in their fasting &
joy in the end of their fast at sundown today….:)
joy in the end of their fast at sundown today….:)


View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage
1 comment:
Yom Kippur is the time we are to try and sort through our self reflection so that we can receive the light of mitzvot at the end of Yom Kippur. Turn off the television. Turn off your phone. Refrain from Facebook. Get out a pen and paper (How old fashioned!) and write down those the errors, sins and falsehoods that crept into your daily life in the past year and how you will make amends for those in the year ahead. As the gates of Neilah close we can rise up aware of our self, aware of our connection to the Divine, aware of our place among the Jewish people and purified for the year to come.
Rabbi Denise Eger is a LGBT History Month 2011 Icon
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