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National Basketball Association Comes Out

By Charlotte Robinson, December 09, 2011
Less than a year since Kobe Bryant & Joakim Noah hurled anti-gay slurs during games which brought them heavy fines, the National Basketball Association has announced they’ve added "sexual orientation" to its bargaining agreement. This is just 3 weeks since Major League Baseball did the same following the National Football League. "I am pleased to announce that we have concluded the collective bargaining process and have reached an agreement that addresses many significant issues that were challenges to our league,” stated NBA Commissioner David Stern. Stern took action when Kobe Bryant & Joakim Noah used their homophobic insults. Just think what great role models these ballplayers will be for our LGBTQ teens. Congrats to GLAAD! Updates to Come...:)
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1 comment:

Mike Thompson said...

The NBA now joins leading Fortune 500 companies and the vast majority of Americans who believe that gay people should have the same opportunities to work and live freely as who they are. This decision shows that homophobia has no place on the court or in the game and we hope that local, college and high school teams follow this important example.

Since last year, the NBA has taken many steps to place the sport of basketball near the forefront of a changing sports landscape in terms of LGBT inclusion. GLAAD is proud to have partnered with the league on several of these steps. From significant fines (and LGBT-supportive statements) following players’ use of anti-gay epithets, to its public partnerships with GLAAD and other LGBT organizations, to the appearances of Grant Hill and Jared Dudley in an ad campaign for GLSEN, to its support of now-openly gay former Phoenix Suns CEO Rick Welts, to Shaquille O’Neal's participation in GLAAD’s anti-bullying “Amplify Your Voice” PSA campaign, the NBA and Commissioner David Stern have proven themselves to be strong allies to the LGBT community.

Mike Thompson, Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation Acting President

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