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Anti Gay Amendments Adopted in House

By Charlotte Robinson, May 10, 2012
While the country was reacting to President Obama finally supporting marriage equality the anti gay House was amending the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), H.R. 4310, so that chaplains & service members who do not wish to minister & work with gay & lesbian service members don’t have to. This homophobic legislation would allow chaplains to discriminate against service members by religion, gender, sexual orientation, race, or any other religious belief simply by arguing that ministering to them would be contrary to their "conscience, moral principles, or religious beliefs." This anti gay amendment was put forth by Congressman Todd Akin (R-MO). Army veteran & SLDN (Servicemembers Legal Defense Network) Executive Director Aubrey Sarvis fired back stating, "Mr. Akin is trying to solve a problem that does not exist. There are already in place adequate protections for chaplains & service members in this area. No one in uniform is being required to go against their conscience & no one is being punished for expressing their personal religious beliefs. The alleged cases of abuse or bad judgment that Mr. Akin likes to reference have not been investigated or proven to be factual. So, let's get to the heart of the matter. Mr. Akin & a few others wish to weaken implementation of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' repeal. The Pentagon, Congress & the American people have spoken on this & Mr. Akin simply doesn't like the outcome." A second amendment adopted on Wednesday, sponsored by Rep. Steve Palazzo (R-MS) and Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), would limit the use of Department of Defense property for same-gender marriage ceremonies. So though we continue to move forward to full equality in America we must keep an eyeful watch on Congress. Updates to Come…:) New Exclusive conclusion of our audio montages with 5 filmmakers about their films scheduled this week at the Boston LGBT Film Festival that runs through May 13th. We also had the opportunity to talk to the filmmakers about crucial issues facing our LGBT community @ OUTTAKE VOICES™ OUTTAKE VOICES™ NOW ON HUFFINGTON POST...:) Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™ SUPPORT OUR QUEST @ OUTTAKE™ EQUALITY STORE...:) View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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