A California church has funded & erected a billboard on the Billy Graham Parkway in North Carolina apologizing to our LGBT community for passing the anti gay Amendment One. The billboard reads, "Missiongathering Christian Church is sorry for the narrow-minded, judgmental, deceptive, manipulative actions of those who DENIED rights & equality TO so many in the Name of God." The message has received a lot of responses from people on both sides. Of course the Charlotte Diocese doesn’t like the billboard because it doesn't think the California church should get involved but we think it’s a great reminder for North Carolina to mend their homophobic ways. Ralph Belk from the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party supports the billboard stating, "We were very much against the amendment & felt like it was an attack on civil rights. Anyone who's willing to help us continue that conversation & show that there is support still for civil rights I'm in favor of that." Let’s hope that the billboard remains to show this state that they are on the wrong side of history. Updates to Come...:)
Exclusive Audio Interview with Orlando Del Valle who serves on the Board of Directors of The History Project. Del Valle’s photos are part of a significant art exhibit “Pride: 40 Years of Protest & Celebration” that The History Project is presenting in collaboration with the Boston Center for Adult Education & runs through June 30th at the BCAE more @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
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One day there will be no need for apologies to the LGBTQ community, because we will all understand the meaning of 'Oneness.' Living a spiritual life, means living with an open mind, heart and be willing to expand our thinking so that it embraces 'differencs' rather then judge them. The religious establishments have a responsibility to lead their members on a path to the awareness, understanding and knowledge that we are all 'One.' Love does not demand conformity, it encourages freedom of expression. Love does not deny, reject, exclude, isolate or ignore. Love does not incite anger, hate or speak in words that diminish ones worth, destroy ones self esteem, or restricts ones ability to live their best life. We need religious establishments and their leaders willing to open their doors to those of us they consider to be 'different.' Come to know the pureness of our spirit and the sameness that we share.
I reside in Cary, NC and this issue has our community in an uproar!!! People are just ignorant... we just have to consider the source and hold our heads up high
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