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Preaching Anti Gay Rhetoric

By Charlotte Robinson, May 13, 2012
Just imagine how many churches across the country & around the world are preaching homophobia & hate to their congregations in response to Obama’s support of gay marriage. Homophobic Cardinal Timothy Dolan of New York, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, said, “Obama’s comments are deeply saddening. I pray for the President every day & will continue to pray that he & his Administration act justly to uphold & protect marriage as the union of one man & one woman.” What we need to do is pray for all the religious leaders who feel that they’re justified in the name of God to preach hate & fear of one minority of the population. Meanwhile Rev. Al Sharpton, joined by Civil Rights leaders Reverend Dr. Joseph Lowery, President Emeritus of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Melanie Campbell, President & CEO of the National Coalition for Black Civic Engagement & Julian Bond, Chairman Emeritus of NAACP, have all joined to reaffirm their solid support of the president & to urge Black Americans not to be distracted from issues that directly impact our progression as a people. Rev. Sharpton stated, “This is not about mine or anyone’s personal or religious views. It is about equal rights for all. We cannot be selective with civil rights. We must support civil rights for everybody or we don’t support them for anyone. I am prepared to fight, as I have since 2003 in the faith community, about the rightness of the position that the President has now taken.” Updates to Come...:)
New Exclusive conclusion of our audio montages with 5 filmmakers about their films scheduled this week at the Boston LGBT Film Festival that runs through May 13th. We also had the opportunity to talk to the filmmakers about crucial issues facing our LGBT community @ OUTTAKE VOICES™
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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