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Celebrating Gay Activist Harvey Milk Day

By Charlotte Robinson, May 22, 2012
Today San Diego will celebrate Harvey Milk Day with the unveiling of a street named in honor of the LGBT civil rights leader. There will be a celebration at 5P PST at the corner of Harvey Milk Street (Blaine Ave.) & Centre Street. Speakers at the event will include: Nicole Murray Ramirez – City Commissioner, Todd Gloria - Council Member District 3, Anthony Young Council President District 4, Stuart Milk – Founder of the Harvey B. Milk Foundation, Dwayne Crenshaw - Executive Director - San Diego LGBT Pride & Delores Jacobs - Chief Executive Officer of The LGBT Community Center. A reception with refreshments will follow the prgram inside the LGBT Community Center. Dwayne Crenshaw, San Diego LGBT Pride Executive Director stated, “After the tireless efforts of a group of community leaders, LGBT civil rights leader Harvey Milk will be honored in the same way we honor leaders such as Cesar Chavez & Martin Luther King Jr. Harvey Milk dedicated his life to leading our community in the struggle for equal rights. The unveiling of Harvey Milk Street will mark a symbolic moment in our history & a step in the right direction towards achieving the truly American value of equality.” Harvey Milk would have been 82th today. In 1977 Milk became the first out gay elected official from a major U.S. city when he was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. He won on a platform of civil rights but his tenure was cut short when he was assassinated by former supervisor, Dan White, the following year. In 2009 he was awarded the Medal of Freedom in by President Obama saying that Milk’s “message of hope, hope unashamed, hope unafraid, could not ever be silenced.” Harvey Milk was a champion for seniors, for working people & for those who didn't have a voice & his courageous work set the stage for many of the key civil rights advances we enjoy today. Updates to Come...:)
Listen to Gay Activist Cleve Jones talk about his friend Harvey Milk in this Exclusive Audio Byte:

Exclusive Audio Chat with Dr. Samuel Pang the Medical Director of the Reproductive Science Center of New England. Gay couples can become parents by the same assisted reproductive technologies that enable infertile heterosexual couples to have babies & the good news is that it is possible to have your own biological child. More Info
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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