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Gay Ally Google ‘Legalize Love’ Campaign

By Charlotte Robinson, July 10, 2012
Over the weekend the buzz is that Google has launched a new campaign called ‘Legalize Love’ aimed at advancing our LGBT equality in countries with anti-homosexuality laws. They claim they're not promoting gay marriage but instead a Google spokesperson stated the campaign will “promote safer conditions for gay & lesbian people inside & outside the office in countries with anti-gay laws on the books”. The campaign was announced at the Global LGBT Workplace Summit in London. Google Executive Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe stated, “We want our employees who are gay or lesbian or transgender to have the same experience outside the office as they do in the office. It is obviously a very ambitious piece of work. Singapore wants to be a global financial center & world leader & we can push them on the fact that being a global center & a world leader means you have to treat all people the same, irrespective of their sexual orientation.” As you know Google has been a strong ally & supporter of LGBT civil rights. The company offers full employee benefits to LGBT staff & spoke out against Prop 8 in California. Now if we could only get more global companies onboard perhaps we could even see President Obama sign an ENDA (Employment Non-Discrimination Act) Executive Order barring LGBT workplace discrimination by federal contractors which would give millions of LGBT Americans the right to come out of the closet. There is some form of legal recognition in 21 US states but in 29 states gay workers can still be fired or denied promotions simply because they're gay. For transgender US citizens it's a lot worse with only 16 states that have any protections in place. Updates to Come...:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

Mish said...

That's totally awesome!


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