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Gay Hate Crime in Washington DC

By Charlotte Robinson, July 26, 2012
While the current US House of Representatives stand by their anti gay position a gay yoga teacher & his boyfriend were brutally beaten by homophobic thugs after a night out in Washington DC. Michael Hall Jr, 29, was left with a broken jaw & fractured cheekbone after a group of teenagers attacked him & his partner Michael Roike as they walked home from dinner Sunday night. Michael Roike stated, “Four or five kids just came out of nowhere without any warning. We didn’t think it was a robbery because they didn’t immediately ask for something. They just came out swinging & hitting. I can’t think of another reason other than we got out of a fancy town car & we were walking in a not great part of town at a late hour. We were probably holding hands. It could have been because we’re gay, but I don’t know for sure.” The police are investigating the incident as a suspected hate crime. Roike added that he couldn't think of any other reason why they would have been targeted. While Roike only suffered minor injuries, Hall had to be operated on at Howard University Hospital. Friends of the couple have now set up a Facebook group for people to support Hall's recovery & donate money to pay for the required surgery: Facebook.com
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