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Prop 8 Lawyers Request U.S. Supreme Court

By Charlotte Robinson, July 31, 2012

Proposition 8 Plaintiffs’ attorneys are ready to defend their victories before the U.S. Supreme Court. The proponents of California’s Proposition 8 have asked the United States Supreme Court to review the landmark federal appeals court ruling in Perry v. Brown (now Hollingsworth v. Perry) that found Proposition 8 unconstitutional. Proposition 8 stripped gay & lesbian Californians of the fundamental freedom to marry. Plaintiffs’ lead co-counsel David Boies stated, “The Supreme Court has long held that the freedom to marry is one of the most fundamental rights—if not the most fundamental right—of all Americans. As we have said from the very beginning of this case, the denial of that fundamental right seriously harms gay & lesbian Americans & the children they are raising. Today’s petition presents the Justices with the chance to affirm our Constitution’s central promises of liberty, equality & human dignity.” The American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER) is the sole sponsor of Perry v. Brown the federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8. Adam Umhoefer, AFER Executive Director stated, “Two federal courts & a majority of Americans agree: discriminatory laws like Proposition 8 have no place in the United States of America today. This petition by the anti-marriage forces is the last gasp of a dying argument that cannot overcome our Constitution’s guarantee of liberty & equality for all.” Updates to Come…:)

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