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Gay Marriage Federal Rights in 2013

By Charlotte Robinson, July 05, 2012
Just before the 4th of July holiday began the encouraging news from DC is that the Obama administration has asked the Supreme Court to finally settle the legal fight over the law that denies federal benefits to legally married gay couples. The Justice Department on Tuesday asked the court to hear an appeal in its next term of lower court rulings striking down a portion of the Defense of Marriage Act. This is section 3 of DOMA that would then allow legally married gay couples to receive the 1,138 federal rights of marriage. The earliest the justices might decide to hear the case is late September. Arguments probably would take place over the winter & a decision would happen by late June 2013. So this will all be in motion during & through the upcoming presidential election. The administration says it agrees with the lower court rulings which found this part of DOMA unconstitutional but still wants a prompt high court review because unfortunately President Obama has instructed federal agencies to continue to enforce the discriminatory law’s ban on federal benefits for legally married gay couples until there is a final court ruling. So this action is good news & bad news mixed together. To look on the bright side legally married gay couples could have federal rights & benefits equal to heterosexual couples by next summer. Now that definitely would be worth celebrating.
Have a Safe & Fab 4th Holiday!!
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