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U.S. Supreme Court Must End DOMA

By Charlotte Robinson, July 25, 2012
In the continuing saga of gay marriage in America, Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley is urging the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold the appeals court ruling that found DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) unconstitutional & make their ruling on this case calling for an unprecedented high court decision “one of national importance.” Gay marriage has been legal in Massachusetts for 8 years yet because of section 3 of DOMA which has been found unconstitutional time & again, legally married gay couples do not receive any federal rights, benefits & protections that heterosexual couples receive. This is the same situation in the other states that have marriage equality. As we reported earlier this month the Obama administration has requested that gay marriage be put on the fast track to the U.S. Supreme Court this fall but in the meantime DOMA continues to cause hardship to legally married couples in this country. Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley stated, “The Defense of Marriage Act is a discriminatory & unconstitutional law that harms thousands of families in Massachusetts & takes away our state’s right to extend marriage equality to all couples. It is our firm conviction that in order to truly achieve marriage equality, all couples must enjoy the same rights & protections under both state & federal law. If the Supreme Court chooses to examine this case, we will look forward to once again making clear that DOMA & its pervasive discrimination is unconstitutional & should be ended.” Updates to Come..:)
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