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Media Giant Reuters Supports Equality

By Charlotte Robinson, July 15, 2012
The media company Reuters stated that an amendment to ban gay marriage in Minnesota would be bad for business. Already prominent companies including General Mills & St. Jude Medical have made a stand against the proposed amendment on the November ballot. This is homophobic overkill in Minnesota since that state already has a law against gay marriage but anti gay marriage opponents say the amendment is necessary to put the ban in the state constitution. In a statement, Thomson Reuters said it doesn’t believe the amendment “would be good for Thomson Reuters or the business community in the state.” Spokesman John Shaughnessy said Thomson Reuters, headquartered in New York City, has almost 8,000 employees in Minnesota, most based in the Minneapolis suburb of Eagan & 60,000 around the world. “We believe the Minnesota Marriage Amendment, if passed, would limit our ability to recruit & retain top talent,” several Minnesota-based company executives wrote in an email to employees. It’s about time that a media giant has taken such a positive stand on marriage equality. In an attempt to change hearts & minds in Minnesota LGBT Minnesotans have launched www.greatminnesotaouting.com. The concept is to come out online to reach neighbors, friends & colleagues who are more likely to support gay rights if they’re aware they know a gay or lesbian person. The campaign collects videos produced by LGBT Minnesotans telling their friends & neighbors of their part in the LGBT community & making an appeal to them to vote no on the amendment. The Great Minnesota Outing is acting on statistics that show people who know a LGBT person are far more supportive of gay rights, especially if they hear a direct appeal about the marriage amendment.
For More info: greatminnesotaouting.com
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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