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DOMA & United States Supreme Court

Dec 7th 2012 JUST IN: The United States Supreme Court announced that it will hear arguments in United States v. Windsor which challenges the constitutionality of the so-called Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). The Court also granted a hearing to Hollingsworth v. Perry, the challenge to California’s Proposition 8. Arguments before the Court are likely to take place in March 2013. 
Updates to Come…:)
UPDATE: The Supreme Court, after taking most of the day to prepare new orders, took no action Friday on the ten gay marriage cases now on the docket. The next opportunity for the Court to issue orders will be at 9:30A Monday. Nothing has ruled out the possibility that some actions on gay marriage could be announced at that time, although there is no indication that will occur. It may be that the Court needs more time to decide what it wants to do next on any of the cases. 

Friday the United States Supreme Court will consider whether it will hear arguments this term in one or more cases related to the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders) is party to 2 of the cases the Court may review, Gill v. Office of Personnel Management & Pedersen v. Office of Personnel Management. In both instances an Appeals Court deemed unconstitutional Section 3 of DOMA, which denies federal recognition to legal marriages of same-gender couples. In California the American Foundation for Equal Rights is also waiting to hear if the Supreme Court will consider whether to grant review in Hollingsworth v. Perry (formerly Perry v. Brown), the federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8. These cases all challenge the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) & have been distributed for discussion at the Justices’ private Conference scheduled for Friday, November 30, 2012. The court announcement on DOMA cases is likely between 1:30-3:30P EST on Nov. 30th. We’re standing by to bring you all the updates exclusively through GLAD Civil Rights Project Director Mary Bonauto & from the Prop 8 case Plaintiffs’ lead co-counsel Theodore B. Olson & David Boies; plaintiffs Kris Perry & Sandy Stier & Paul Katami Jeff Zarrillo as well as AFER co-founder Chad Griffin now President of HRC & AFER executive director Adam Umhoefer. So this should be extremely interesting. Updates to Come…:)

Scrooge & Marley Red Carpet Event

If you’re in the Chicago area catch “Scrooge & Marley” a modern gay variation on Charles Dickens’ classic story “A Christmas Carol.” The film will have its Chicago Red Carpet Premiere today Thursday Nov. 29th & run through Dec. 6th at Chicago’s historic Music Box Theatre 3733 N. Southport. Recounted from a gay sensibility with heart, comedy & original music the film will also screen in at least a dozen cities nationwide this holiday season with a DVD & soundtrack slated for December release. “Scrooge & Marley” stars acclaimed actor David Pevsner, former Saturday Night Live star Tim Kazurinsky, Rusty Schwimmer, Bruce Vilanch, Megan Cavanagh, Ronnie Kroell, David Moretti, Richard Ganoung, & JoJo Baby. It’s narrated by Tony award-winning actress Judith Light. The Chicago Premiere run will kick off with a gala opening night celebration featuring most of the stars of the film including Pevsner, Schwimmer, Vilanch, Cavanagh, Kroell, Moretti & Ganoung. A pre-VIP event will be held at Frida’s Restaurant at 5P, Red Carpet at the Music Box at 6:30P & the film screening at 7P, followed by a Q&A with cast & crew. The VIP after-party will be held at D’Agostino’s on Addison. Philanthropist Michael Leppen is underwriting the opening night events. Don’t Miss OUT!! :)
For Info & Tix: scroogeandmarleymovie.com 

Bishop Gene Robinson & Patrick Murphy

If you happen to be in the Washington, D.C. vicinity there’s an event happening Wednesday Nov 28th at the Center for American Progress from 12P to 1P. Gay Activist Bishop Gene Robinson & Senior Fellow, at the Center for American Progress will speak with former Congressman Patrick Murphy, also a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress. They’ll be addressing everything from marriage equality to income inequality & how the role of faith is crucial to the public debate. As we know religion can serve as a weapon to divide & create fear or can be an inclusive force to advance justice & equality. This will be an interesting panel on exploring the role of faith in politics & public policy. Murphy & Robinson will examine marriage equality for same-gender couples, women’s reproductive health, religious liberty & other issues in the news. In addition, Robinson will discuss ideas from his new book, God Believes in Love, where he makes the religious case for marriage equality for same-gender couples. Murphy will reflect on his time in Congress & the role his Catholic faith played in helping him champion a wide range of issues, including gay rights, health reform & women’s health. The conversation will be introduced by Sally Steenland, Director, Faith & Progressive Policy Initiative at the Center for American Progress. A light lunch will be served at 11:30A. The Center for American Progress is at 1333 H St. NW, 10th Floor in Washington, DC.
For More Info & RSVP: americanprogress.org 
OUTTAKE VOICES™ Exclusive Audio Chat w/ Bishop Gene Robinson

Gay Ally Morgan Freeman HRC Video

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) has collaborated with Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman in a new national television ad. Morgan Freeman is the voice behind equality in a new PSA for HRC. It’s really quite moving with Freeman stating, "Freedom, justice & human dignity have always guided our journey toward a more perfect union. Now across our country, we are standing together for the right of gay & lesbian Americans to marry the person they love. And with historic victories for marriage, we've delivered a mandate for full equality." HRC is using it for a recruiting vehicle to join HRC's Millions for Marriage. Their site statement reads, “We are mothers & fathers, brothers & sisters. We are friends and neighbors & colleagues. We are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & straight. We believe every American has the right to marry the person they love.” What HRC should be saying is that this ad needs to reach mass TV markets. It compares our LGBT civil rights to the Women’s fight for equality & the Black movement in this country. We hope that this is just the beginning of quality PSA’s coming from HRC. Everyone should add their names to this campaign. Updates to Come…:)
To Add Names: HRC.org
Watch Video

Black Monday Supports Gay Rights

Our LGBT community is extremely savvy when it comes to hi-tech & Cyber Monday is something we gravitate to for holiday shopping. To provide the highest quality of LGBT gear we launched our new online OUTTAKE EQUALITY STORE for all our LGBT shoppers & allies just in time for the Holiday Season. Choose from fabulous & unique coffee mugs, tote bags, tee shirts & more. Check OUT the fabulous array of clothing available in sexy black & pure white. All the merchandise displays the new LGBT logo designed by visionary Richard Emmanuel. The emblem consists of universal symbols. Two androgynous figures are meeting each other within the circle of the world. This creates a symbol of unity that is diverse with its differences, yet respectful of each person’s beliefs. The word “Equality” is boldly displayed with the words “LGBT Civil Rights.” This awesome design is empowering & a courageous symbol for our LGBT community; a symbol that reflects our strong commitment to equality. This is an excellent way to get the conversation started about LGBT Civil Rights & Equality. Free shipping is available through November 26th. Just enter the coupon code 2012SuperFree before completing checkout. Discount is applied to Super Saver, International & Canadian Airmail ONLY & does not include taxes, products, or additional charges. You also must have a minimum subtotal of $30. So check OUT the great new LGBT gear & take advantage of this great opportunity to get the conversation going. Show your commitment to LGBT equality & support a great cause. All proceeds will go to support LGBT civil rights. So what are you waiting for. :)

New LGBT Emblem Released

Coming off gay marriage wins in Washington, Maine & Maryland a new positive equality emblem has emerged to symbolize our LGBT community by designer Richard Emmanuel. The emblem consists of universal symbols. Two androgynous figures are meeting each other within the circle of the world. This creates a symbol of unity that is diverse with its differences, yet respectful of each person’s beliefs. The word “Equality” is boldly displayed with the words “LGBT Civil Rights.” This awesome design is empowering & a courageous symbol for our LGBT community; a symbol that reflects our strong commitment to equality. In time for XMAS this new design is available on an array of merchandize available at the OUTTAKE EQUALITY STORE. Choose from Fabulous & Unique T-Shirts, Tote Bags, Coffee Mugs & more. This is an excellent way to get the conversation started about LGBT Civil Rights & Equality. Check OUT the Fabulous Clothing available in sexy black & pure white. This cool universal & global LGBT Emblem is suitable for all countries & families. Free shipping is available now through November 26th. Just enter the coupon code 2012SuperFree before completing checkout. Discount is applied to Super Saver, International & Canadian Airmail ONLY & does not include taxes, products, or additional charges. You also must have a minimum subtotal of $30. So check OUT the new LGBT gear & take advantage of this great opportunity to get the conversation going. Show your commitment to LGBT equality & support a great cause. All proceeds will go to support LGBT civil rights.

Provincetown Thanksgiving Weekend

While people are flocking to the malls on Black Friday we suggest taking a different route. Provincetown on Black Friday is the LGBT alternative. The whole town is on sale. So that special ring you saw over the summer & didn’t buy is probably now half price. There’s a SUPER SALE at Forbidden Fruit, 173 Commercial Street with 50% Off Ticketed prices. However our favorite thing to do is the Provincetown Business Guild sponsors Casino Night 8P to Midnight at the Crown & Anchor, 247 Commercial Street. There’s no cover & they have Blackjack, Roulette, Texas Hold'em, Money Wheel & more. You can spend an evening with your friends & Lady Luck & you might just come out a winner! Then you can drop over to The A House & dance the night away with the gay boys & girls featuring music by Resident DJ & Billboard Magazine Reporter David LaSalle at Provincetown's premier nightclub for over 25 years from 10P to1A. On Saturday after spending the day shopping & enjoying seafood in is one of P-Town restaurants check OUT "Illusions Drag Revue" at Paramount at the Crown & Anchor. This show will dazzle you with "Las Vegas Style Drag Revue" featuring Billie Jean, Tisch De Williams & guests. See glamour, skin & original sin in this action packed, high energy & high camp revue. See You There!
For Info & Tix: onlyatthecrown.com

Have A Gay Thanksgiving Day

We always have something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day but this year our LGBT community has historically moved closer to equality in this country. Together we've won marriage in Maine, Maryland & Washington & defeated that nasty anti-gay amendment in Minnesota. President Obama & the Democratic Party have finally come out for marriage equality. Public support for gay marriage is at record levels & multiple courts have ruled DOMA unconstitutional & hopefully soon it will be headed to the US Supreme Court. Without a doubt these are amazing achievements. As we celebrate with loved ones this week we'll reflect on what really matters in life. For all our LGBT people what matters most is our loved ones & extended families. Just remember about the millions of people steadfastly standing up for all families, for simple dignity, because they understand that love is love. As we continue our momentum to full equality in this country we must keep on educating those who just don’t get it until they do. My grandmother always said everyone wants the same thing; “A roof over their heads, food in their bellies & someone to love.” Let’s all remember that simple definition of life as we enjoy this holiday. So from our family to yours have a Fabulous & Safe Thanksgiving Day.

GLAD Fights For LGBT Youth

Though Maine recently passed gay marriage there are still LGBT battles to be fought in “The Pine Tree State". On Transgender Day of Remembrance when people from all across the globe pause to remember those who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence, a Maine trial court judge dismissed the case of a transgender girl who experienced discrimination & harassment at her Orono school. Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD), which is representing the student in the lawsuit, announced it will immediately appeal the decision. Ben Klein GLAD Senior Attorney stated, “Our client Susan Doe is a transgender girl who was made an outcast by school officials & was subjected to severe bullying over the course of two years simply because of who she is, in violation of Maine anti-discrimination law. The judge is wrong on the law & ignored critical facts in making his decision.” GLAD filed the lawsuit, known as Doe v. Clenchy after officials at an Orono elementary school denied a transgender girl the use of the girls’ restroom & other facilities & restricted her participation in school activities. The school had previously allowed Doe to use the girls’ restroom without incident until one of her male classmates began making it an issue with coaching from his grandfather. Doe also suffered a campaign of harassment & bullying for over two school years at the hands of this classmate who the school failed to discipline. Eventually the bullying got so bad the parents were forced to withdraw their daughter & her twin brother from the Orono school system & move them to another part of the state where they could go to school quietly & safely. This should be interesting since Maine has a statewide law prohibiting discrimination against people based on gender identity & expression in all areas, including public education & public accommodations. Updates to Come…:)

We Will Not Forget You

November 20th marks the 14th annual Transgender Day of Remembrance when people from all across the globe pause to remember those who have lost their lives to anti-transgender violence. Transgender women, particularly transgender women of color, are disproportionately subjected to hate violence. According to the National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs, 44% of all LGBT murder victims in 2010 were transgender women. Herndon Graddick GLAAD President stated, "With anti-transgender violence on the rise, we remember our colleagues, friends & family whose lives were taken simply because of who they are. We must stand together to end the violence, working every day to spread awareness & acceptance of transgender people." Transgender Day of Remembrance marks the end of Transgender Awareness Week, a national campaign to raise visibility & awareness of transgender people & issues, which began November 12. The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) observed Transgender Awareness Week with the national launch of new "I AM: Trans People Speak" videos, featuring New York Times bestseller Professor Jennifer Finney Boylan, actress Laverne Cox, Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) attorney Noah Lewis & performance poet Kit Yan. The campaign, first started by Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC) in 2010, aims to spotlight the stories of transgender Americans & their allies in an effort to educate the public about transgender issues, as well as speak to transgender youth & adults.
For More Info & Watch Videos: glaad.org 

Sir Ivan Gives 100K to Trevor Project

Dance-pop recording artist Sir Ivan pledged $100,000 to The Trevor Project, the leading national organization providing crisis intervention & suicide prevention services for LGBTQ youth. The donation was made by Sir Ivan & The Peaceman Foundation a nonprofit established by Sir Ivan, in 2005, to battle hatred, violence & Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Sir Ivan stated, “As the son of a Holocaust survivor, I was made aware from a very young age of the need to stand up for those who cannot stand up for themselves, the bullied, the persecuted. Through my music & whatever influence I may have, I want to demonstrate the importance of acceptance and understanding. I’m particularly focused on the needs of the LGBT community & specifically, LGBT youth – who are up to four times more likely than straight teenagers to attempt suicide. There is never an excuse for harassment and bullying, & I, for one, will not stand for it.” Abbe Land, Executive Director & CEO of The Trevor Project added, “The Trevor Project is grateful to Sir Ivan & the Peaceman Foundation for their generous support of our life-saving, life-affirming services for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender & questioning youth. Every gift helps The Trevor Project ensure our services are always available & young people in crisis can plan for a future that begins today.”
For More Info: thetrevorproject.org

Gay Marriage & Slavery (AUDIO)

Gay marriage in the 21st Century has a lot in common with slavery laws prior to the Civil War. This was a state-by-state decision & by 1804 all states north of the Mason & Dixon Line had either abolished slavery outright or passed laws for the gradual abolition of slavery. Sounds familiar doesn’t it. Nine years ago Massachusetts passed gay marriage on Nov. 18th 2003 with the historic Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health decision when GLAD (Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders) sued the Massachusetts Department of Health in Superior Court & won. Now we have gay marriage in Connecticut, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont & Washington States as well as in the District of Columbia & two Native American tribes Coquille & Suquamish. We were excited when Obama came out for gay marriage last spring but disappointed that he still insisted this should be a state-by-state decision. This is wrong & Un-American. The majority should not be voting on the rights of a minority. With Obama being reelected we have an opportunity to abolish DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) which has been found unconstitutional in federal court again & again. Yet we are still waiting to see if the US Supreme Court will hear these cases. In this exclusive audio byte syndicated Afro-American religion columnist Reverend Irene Monroe addresses this concern:
Listen to Full Interview 

Gay Band Hunter Valentine (AUDIO)

The Real L Word reality stars HUNTER VALENTINE returns to Massachusetts Sunday Nov. 18th. They’re performing at Great American Tavern 303 Main Street in North Reading. The event is hosted by DJ Andrea Stamas along with Studio A Entertainment. This is your last chance in the Boston area to catch this hot lesbian band on their COLLIDE & CONQUER TOUR. Opening for Hunter Valentine is Queen Caveat. Doors open at 6:30P. Coming off starring in Season 3 of Showtime's hit reality series The Real L Word into the release of their third studio album titled COLLIDE & CONQUER no one can deny the momentum behind lesbian rockers HUNTER VALENTINE. This is a great opportunity to see what everyone is talking about as lead singer/guitarist Kiyomi McCloskey, drummer Laura Petracca, bassist Veronica "Vero" Sanchez & newest member lead guitarist Aimee Bessada take center stage. HUNTER VALENTINE COLLIDE & CONQUER TOUR is currently playing North America through Nov. 18th, then they’re headed to Japan & Europe. This is a 21+ event - positive ID required. For More Info & Tix... 
We talked to the band literally on the road as they headed east from Chicago last month on OUTTAKE VOICES™ about The Real L Word, the new CD & their spin on our LGBT issues.
Check OUT Our Exclusive Audio Interview

LGBT Filmmaker Deb Monuteaux Dies

Deb Monuteaux, the Director of Sappho’s Fire passed away Sunday, November 11th. She loss her battle with Pulmonary Biliary Cirrhosis. She was 62. Sappho’s Fire premiered in 2011 at the Boston LGBT Film Festival at the Museum of Fine Arts. We will miss her dearly but her work, Sappho’s Fire, Not Your Mama’s Roller Derby & Venus, Priests & Superwomen present a powerful educational legacy for women & the LGBTQ community. Deb & her life partner Alexia Kosmider formed Shifting Visions, a nonprofit film company with the primary objective of uncovering & bringing to the forefront subjects that they felt needed to be exposed to create a larger dialogue with mainstream society & with the hopes of bringing sensitivity & understanding to their subjects. Before Deb’s illness she had begun work on her next documentary  TransJourney. TransJourney explores 3 women’s personal journeys & the ways that their lives have become intertwined & made stronger because of each other. Deb was extremely disappointed when she had to cancel her cross-country journey to Seattle, WA where most of the filming was to occur. She insisted that the production moves forward not only to honor Deb’s memory but because it is an important film. There will be celebration of Deb’s life & legacy on Saturday, December 15th at 3P at Rue De L’Espoir, 99 Hope Street, Providence, RI. Please RSVP  by December 10th via email to Alexia@shiftingvisions.com. In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to Shifting Visions Films, 780 Reservoir Avenue, Suite 113, Cranston, RI 02910 or via paypal on the website:
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Boston Out In Israel & Gaza (AUDIO)

This is the second year Out In Israel month is celebrated in the Boston area. Throughout November advocacy organizations in & around Boston have joined together along with politicians, filmmakers, artists, musicians, students & other activists to celebrate the vibrant LGBT communities in Israel & Massachusetts. Out In Israel Month is a program of education & celebration. Organizers aim to educate about the status of civil rights for LGBT Israeli citizens & exchange ideas about our LGBT community & culture in both Israel & Massachusetts. Out In Israel was launched by the Consulate General of Israel to New England & is co-sponsored by the Boston LGBT Film Festival, Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Israel Campus Roundtable, Keshet, Aviv Gay Vibe & OUTTAKE MEDIA. Out In Israel engages our community in an array of programs geared to highlight Israel’s LGBT equality & recognition of all her citizens in the workplace, on the field, in the military & by the courts. This year we attended a special culinary-cultural event featuring openly gay Israeli Celebrity Chef Gil Hovav at the home of The Consul General of Israel to New England Shai Bazak in Brookline, Massachusetts. The event was fabulous & Gil will be featured on OUTTAKE VOICES next week to share his experiences. With the current conflict with Gaza we asked Hovav to give us his spin on the situation. Gil expressed his concerns for his partner & nine year old daughter who are currently back in Israel under attack.  Listen To Exclusive Audio Byte:
For More Info: outinisrael.org
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

Transgender Awareness Week Videos

GLAAD, the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation has partnered up with the Massachusetts Transgender Political Coalition (MTPC), to launch a new national campaign “I AM: Trans People Speak”. The campaign features videos by New York Times bestseller Professor Jennifer Finney Boylan, actress Laverne Cox, Transgender Legal Defense & Education Fund (TLDEF) attorney Noah Lewis & performance poet Kit Yan. The campaign aims to spotlight the stories of transgender Americans & their allies in an effort to educate the public about transgender issues as well as speak to transgender youth & adults. The videos’ release coincides with Transgender Awareness Week that runs through Nov. 19th. Gunner Scott, Executive Director of MTPC stated, “By providing a place for transgender people, family members & our allies to share their stories, we hope to empower our community & the general public to advocate for transgender equality & move the culture towards acceptance of transgender youth & adults. With GLAAD’s leadership on this project, we will be educating the public & be a resource to the mainstream media about the reality of transgender peoples’ lives & the unique challenges they face due to pervasive bias, stereotypes & misunderstanding.” Transgender Awareness Week culminates with Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) on Nov. 20th. TDOR is an annual observance on November 20th that honors the memory of those whose lives were lost in acts of anti-transgender violence. Updates to Come...:)
 To Watch Videos: glaad.org 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

DOMA & US Supreme Court Update

One week after Obama's reelection the United States Supreme Court has rescheduled the date when it will consider whether to grant review in Hollingsworth v. Perry (formerly Perry v. Brown), the federal constitutional challenge to California’s Proposition 8. The Perry case, along with several cases challenging the federal Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), have been distributed for consideration at the Justices’ private Conference scheduled for Friday, November 30th. The Proposition 8 & DOMA cases had previously been distributed for the Conference of Tuesday, November 20. Enacted in November 2008, Proposition 8 eliminated the fundamental freedom of gay & lesbian Californians to marry. DOMA, which was enacted by Congress in 1996, nullifies the marriages of gay & lesbian couples for all purposes of federal law. If the Court grants review, the Justices will go on to consider whether Proposition 8 violates the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. If the Court denies review, the February 2012 decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit that struck down Proposition 8 is made permanent, ending four years of marriage inequality in California. The Supreme Court is expected to release an Order List with its decisions on cases it has granted or denied review from its November 30 Conference by Monday, December 3. In the event that the Court neither grants nor denies review in Perry by December 3, the Justices will discuss the case again at a future Conference. So DOMA & Prop 8 Drags On.
Updates to Come...:)
For More Info: afer.org
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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GLAAD Board Members Reality TV Ask

GLAAD Board members Peppermint & Frankie Grande together with a coalition of LGBTQ celebrities, advocates & allies have called on pr...

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