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Support Gay Marriage Phone From Home

By Charlotte Robinson, November 01, 2012
Marriage Equality USA (MEUSA) has announced that starting November 3rd they’re partnering with the ballot gay marriage campaigns in Washington, Maryland, Minnesota & Maine in launching the “Phone from Home” program through Election Day together with over 50 partners from their Campaign for 20 Million More. Brian Silva MEUSA Executive Director stated, “The key to winning marriage equality is contacting our supporters to turn out at the polls on Election Day. The Phone from Home program enables our dedicated volunteers from coast-to-coast to make simple but powerful Get Out the Vote (GOTV) calls from their own homes to remind fair-minded voters how critical it is that they get out and vote.” Director Stuart Gaffney MEUSA Media Director added, “We are on the verge of making marriage history this November with marriage rights on the ballot in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota & Washington. That’s why it’s exciting to see so many volunteers signing up at www.20MillionMore.org – by spending just a few hours of time making calls from home, we are laying the groundwork today so that wedding bells can ring out tomorrow.” The program provides training, scripts & the technology to enable volunteers to make calls from home using just an internet-enabled computer & phone.
For More Info: marriageequality.org
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

1 comment:

UndercurrentNow said...

This is an excellent idea!!!

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