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Anti Gay Marriage Ads Lie

By Charlotte Robinson, November 04, 2012
This has to be the most over saturation of campaign ads we’ve ever experienced. Since the deregulation of the FCC years ago & the endless amount of spending, especially the new ads that come from groups that have no association with the candidates, we’re bombarded with lies. Then we have to sit through the distortions that come from the Romney camp. My TV remote mute button is almost worn out. Since we’re based in Massachusetts where gay marriage has been legal for over eight years we don’t have to deal with the lies & deceptions that are being shown in the four states where gay marriage is on the ballot. GLAAD & Equality Matters have called on the media to expose the anti gay, anti equality ads in Maine, Maryland, Minnesota & Washington.
So here are some of the facts: Marriage equality won't affect school curricula, despite what the ads repeatedly claim. The Catholic adoption agencies named in the ads voluntarily ended their services, they were "not forced" to shut down. The lawsuits the ads talk about were filed over violations of non-discrimination laws and had nothing to do with marriage equality. The New Jersey church cited in those ads was able to keep its tax exemption, even though it denied services to gay couples.
For More Info & Details: equalitymatters.org
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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