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Gay Marriage Wins In Ballot States

By Charlotte Robinson, November 08, 2012
There’s that timely quote "As Maine goes, so goes the Nation.” This couldn’t ring more true for this election. Not only did Maine go for Obama they also passed Gay Marriage. In all the other states Washington & Maryland where marriage equality appeared on the ballot, gay marriage also passed & in Minnesota the constitutional amendment to ban marriage equality was also defeated. This was a clean sweep for our LGBT people. GLAD the Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders who are the architects of gay marriage in this country were instrumental in the Maine marriage victory. Lee Swislow, Executive Director of GLAD stated, “We are thrilled, grateful & humbled. We give our heartfelt congratulations & thanks to the people of Maine for listening with open hearts & minds & embracing equality for gay & lesbian citizens. Mainers United for Marriage ran a superb campaign & I can’t praise all of the campaign staff & volunteers enough.” Mary L. Bonauto, GLAD’s Civil Rights Project Director & a Maine resident stated, “Winning marriage in Maine is profoundly important to those of us living here, including me & my family. Now we can expect to see an outbreak of happiness, as couples – whether together for months or decades – can finally make that commitment to one another. I am very proud of Mainers for sharing their concerns, hearing our stories & finding the common ground to vote yes.” Now this initiative approved by the voters becomes effective 30 days after the Governor proclaims the results of the election. The Governor’s proclamation can come up to 10 days after the Secretary of State completes tabulating the election results. The Secretary has up to 20 days to complete those tabulations. So the earliest that marriage licenses will be available to gay couples will be 30-plus days & at most 60 days after the election. Updates to Come…:)
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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