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Boston Lighting of Diwali Diya

By Charlotte Robinson, November 13, 2012
The South Asian Arts Council announced on Tuesday Nov 13th at 2:30P coordinated with Governor Deval Patrick's Office to light the Diwali Diya on the Grand Staircase of the Massachusetts State House in honor of the Hindu celebration of Diwali. Deval Patrick is the first sitting governor of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to publicly participate in this cultural event which is celebrated by the South Asian community around the world. Amit Dixit, who is the Director of Communications for the Boston LGBT Film Festival is also the Executive Director of the South Asian Arts Council stated, "Diwali is traditionally the known as "The Festival of Lights" which marks the beginning of the Hindu New Year. We light Diyas, or small oil lamps, to symbolizes the triumph of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and light over darkness. We are honored to have Governor Patrick make history as the first sitting Governor of the Commonwealth to light the official Diwali Diya at the State House." This Diwali event coincides with the launch of the South Asian Arts Council Southasianartscouncil.org. The event will be recorded and accessible as a video news release.
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