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Election Day For LGBT US Citizens

By Charlotte Robinson, November 06, 2012
Update: OBAMA WINS!! :)
This is a crucial election for our LGBT community & for women in this country. Gay marriage is on the ballot in 4 states Maine, Maryland, Minnesota & Washington. If you believe in Democracy & the US Constitution that we are all created equal then you must vote for President Obama. The first votes have been counted in Dixville Notch, New Hampshire & it was a tie. Obama & Romney both received 5 votes. The result was surprising since the town has 2 registered Democrats, 3 Republicans & 5 independents. Dick Erwin Town Clerk of Dixville stated, "Considering the way things are polling around the country, we may have been the first tie of the day. Keep your eyes on the news reports because it's going to be a wild ride." This is just a heads-up on how important it is to get out & vote today. If you are eligible to vote make sure that you know where to find your polling place, the open/close times, who's running for office in your area & what ballot initiatives might be on your particular ballot. Google & the New Organizing Institute have created a really cool site to help us all do that, so we’re passing it on to you. All you have to do is enter your address on the left side & it will provide you where to vote, the hours & all the information about your particular ballot on the right. So there’s no excuse! If you’re a registered voter get OUT & VOTE!! Updates to Come…:)
For Voting Info: google.com/elections/vote
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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