Perhaps Russia’s anti gay laws will have a positive effect by inspiring more celebrities & athletes to stand up, speak out & come out. This week WWE superstar wrestler Darren Young publicly came out during an impromptu interview with TMZ. He became the first openly gay wrestler in the WWE organization to come out according to a tweet by WWE Executive Vice President Stephanie McMahon. Young made the statement while at an airport baggage carrousel in LA after being asked if "a gay wrestler could be successful within the WWE." Young stated "Absolutely. Look at me. Ya know. I'm a WWE superstar & to be honest with you, I'll tell you right now, I'm gay. And I'm happy. I'm very happy." Apparently the statement caught the TMZ crew off guard & they stumbled with this response. "Man, that's in ... that's ... sorry. I'm kinda' of flabbergasted man. I think ... I didn't know & obviously I think that's just ... I commend your bravery," the cameraman rambled. Young responded, "I don't think it matters. Does it matter? Does it matter to you? Does it change what you think about me?" "Not an iota," TMZ's cameraman added, "In fact I commend you even more that you would share something so beautiful & personal with me." Young added, "We're all adults. All sports are physical. When I come to work, I come to work. Business is business. Some people might not like it, & some people will like it.” World Wrestling Entertainment Inc., official statement is, "WWE is proud of Darren Young for being open about his sexuality, & we will continue to support him as a WWE Superstar.” On Thursday Young participated in an anti-bullying event in Los Angeles "to teach children how to create positive environments for everyone regardless of age, race, religion or sexual orientation," WWE added in its statement. Now all we need is a professional baseball player or NFL player to come out...;)
Listen: Gay Sports Activist David McFarland On Anti Gay Russia
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