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Marriage Equality USA Awards

By Charlotte Robinson, August 12, 2013
The hugely successful Marriage Equality USA Los Angeles Awards Reception was held over the weekend at Traxx an oasis in the clamor of L.A.'s Union Station. The event was created to bring together LGBT community members & leaders, allies, elected officials, entertainment industry, corporate leaders & celebrities to raise funds for the marriage equality movement. The guest list included California Senator Ricardo Lara, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, L.A. City Attorney Mike Feuer, West Hollywood Mayor Abbe Land, Long Beach Vice Mayor Robert Garcia, GLAAD National Spokesperson Wilson Cruz & Hollingsworth v. Perry plaintiffs Jeff Zarrillo & Paul Katami. Honored for his contributions to the movement was Los Angeles City Controller Ron Galperin who is the first openly gay candidate to have won a citywide race in Los Angeles the second largest city in America. Galperin took office as the Controller for the City on July 1, 2013. Also honored were the Latino Equality Alliance & the Robert John Russo Gallery. The event was hosted by Raquel Castaneda from Season 1 of The Real L Word. Entertainment was provided by the incomparable Irene Soderberg & DJ Sharper Image while guests enjoyed the celebratory evening of cocktails, light food, entertainment, awards & a silent auction.
For More Info: marriageequality.org 
Listen: Gay Activist Actor Kit Williamson Speaks OUT 
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage

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