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Uganda Lesbian Attacked In Coma

By Charlotte Robinson, August 20, 2013
Jennifer Ikanza has always been a strong activist for our LGBT community residing in Uganda & serves on GEHO (Gender Equality & Health Organization). A few days ago she was brutally beaten by a mob & remains in a coma. Our contact in Uganda reports that a woman set her up by claiming to be a lesbian & wanting to meet her. Jennifer was then brutally attacked by a mob. She is suffering multiple organ failure due to internal bleeding. Her health is in grave danger. She is at the hospital where she is slowing dying. The doctors & nurses are not giving her any proper medical attention because they know she can’t afford to pay for the treatment. Jeniffer Ikanza has been a powerful voice for our community in Jinja as she coordinated the Health & Care program for the lesbians at GEHO. GEHO Uganda is an organization in Uganda that helps our LGBT community. As you know the situation for gays & lesbians in Uganda is horrendous. They are killed, chased out of their homes & workplaces & they need our support. GEHO provides safehouses for those who need shelter, legal & medical aid when needed. Let's not standby & watch this brave LGBT activist die. You can help Jennifer Ikanza by donating to their site.
For More Info: geho-uganda.org
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
View Our Historic Short Trailer on Gay Marriage


1 comment:

paulakey said...

Lesbians in Uganda
My webpage http://stories4hotbloodedlesbians.com Uganda LGBTI is fighting back! Briefly, an American Evangelical hatemonger pastor, Scott Lively, gave workshops there attended by all government officials, his travelling colleague, Rev. Rick Warren, is friends with the Uganda's Prime Minister's wife. What resulted was a bill to "hang homosexuals' then this title was the headline of an Uganda newspaper that gave pictures and names of suspected homosexuals resulting in the death of activist David Koto. Now, LGBTI Uganda has brought Lively to a Massachusettes's Court on Crimes Against Humanity and the judge refused to throw out the case when Lively claimed free speech. We fight back legally

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