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World AIDS Day 2014 (AUDIO)

World AIDS Day takes place each year on December 1st & is an opportunity not only to spread awareness about the ongoing impact of HIV & AIDS has had on our LGBT community & allies but also to commemorate those who have died from this horrific epidemic. This year’s World AIDS theme is “Focus, Partner, Achieve: An AIDS-free Generation.” The best way to achieve this is with understanding, compassion, hope & through education as we continue to fight HIV/AIDS & prevent it. World AIDS Day encourages people to join the efforts to combat AIDS, a mission that begins by increasing your knowledge of the disease & spreading awareness. It’s also crucial to practice safe sex & get tested. World AIDS Day is dedicated to raising awareness of the AIDS pandemic caused by the spread of HIV infection. AIDS has killed more than 25 million people, with an estimated 34 million people living with HIV, making it one of the most destructive epidemics in recorded history. I have lost many friends & family to AIDS. It is important to take a moment & remember them & think about what a better world this would be if they were still around. Listen to this exclusive audio byte with gay activist & historian Cleve Jones who talks about how AIDS affected our LGBT community. Jones has been an AIDS activist for over 30 years. After working with Harvey Milk, Cleve conceived the idea of the AIDS Memorial Quilt.
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LISTEN: Justin Luke Zirilli New Survival Guide The Gay Gospel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Finland Legalizes Gay Marriage

Thousands gathered Friday to celebrate as Finland became the 12th country in Europe to legalize marriage equality. Finland was the last Nordic country to pass gay marriage though gay & lesbian couples have been able to obtain domestic partnerships since 2002. The bill was passed in parliament Friday by a vote of 105 to 92. Victory cheers erupted in central Helsinki by thousands of LGBT activists & allies had gathered outside Parliament ahead of the vote. It's an important move for Finland in taking a stand against its increasingly anti-gay neighbor Russia & join forces with the rest of Scandinavia. Before the vote Prime Minister Alexander Stubb stated, “Finland should strive to become a society where discrimination does not exist, human rights are respected & two adults can marry regardless of their sexual orientation,” Let this be a wake-up call to the US Supreme Court to stop dragging their feet & finally end this discrimination in America. As of November 29th gay & lesbian couples can legally marry in 70% of America or 35 out of 50 states. The remaining five states are in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals' & headed to the Supreme Court. Hopefully the Justices will announce as soon as January that they'll hear one or several of these crucial cases. In the meantime thousands of gay & lesbian couples have married this year & will be receiving federal rights & protections for their families, including myself. CONGRATS FINLAND!!
LISTEN: Marilyn Rosen & My Fabulous Gay Wedding
LISTEN: Justin Luke Zirilli New Survival Guide The Gay Gospel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Provincetown After Thanksgiving

We traditionally head to Provincetown the LGBT alternative on Black Friday instead of the malls. The whole town is on sale. You can find great gift choices all around town since many of the stores are having end of season sales & holiday specials plus the UU Meetinghouse holds its holiday Crafts Fair both Friday & Saturday with gifts for everyone. On Friday November 28th check out the annual Casino Night hosted by the Provincetown Business Guild at the Crown & Anchor. Play blackjack, Texas holdem, roulette, spin the money wheel & more in a glittery evening while supporting a great organization. Saturday offers the anticipated pleasure of the Annual Lighting of the Lobster Pot Tree. Now in its 11th year Provincetown artist Julian Popko & family build the unique tree right in the heart of Provincetown's Lopes Square. Stacked with over 100 real lobster traps borrowed from local lobstermen, the tree is lit with thousands of fabulous decorations & holiday lights. Later in the evening on Saturday catch a special holiday edition of the famous “Illusions” Drag Revue night at the Crown & Anchor, Provincetown's longest running & most electrifying Drag featuring 4 of America's top female impersonators who perform at 8:30P. There are also plenty of restaurants open & you can dance the night away at The A House or the Wave Bar Lounge at The Crown with VJ Chris Racine. See You There…:)
For Info & Tix: onlyatthecrown.com
LISTEN: Justin Luke Zirilli New Survival Guide The Gay Gospel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Thanksgiving For LGBT Families

We always have something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day but this year our LGBT community has historically moved closer to marriage equality in this country. As of November 27th gay & lesbian couples can legally marry in 70% of America or 35 out of 50 states. The remaining five states are in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals' & headed to the Supreme Court for upholding their unconstitutional marriage bans. Hopefully the Justices will announce as soon as January that they'll hear one or several of these crucial cases. In the meantime thousands of gay & lesbian couples have married this year & will be receiving federal rights & protections for their families, including myself. Unfortunately ENDA the Employment Non-Discrimination Act appears to be dead in Washington even though Obama signed an executive order that protects 14 million workers employed by federal contractors from anti-LGBT discrimination. Just remember that our LGBT community will not be safe until a federal bill passes providing a safe workplace environment for all, regardless on whom you love. As we continue our momentum to full equality in this country we must keep on educating those who just don’t get it & educate their homophobic hearts & minds. My grandmother always said everyone wants the same thing; “A roof over their heads, food in their bellies & someone to love.” Let’s all remember that simple definition of life as we enjoy this holiday. So from our family to yours have a Fabulous & Safe Thanksgiving Day....:)
LISTEN: Marilyn Rosen & My Fabulous Gay Wedding
LISTEN: Justin Luke Zirilli New Survival Guide The Gay Gospel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Transgender In The Military

With the resignation of Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel the Military Freedom Coalition, a leading organization lobbying for the removal of the Transgender Military ban released these statements. First, Kristin Beck Transgender Navy SEAL (Retired) stated, "In May of this year Secretary Hagel said the ban on transgender service people would be reviewed. On August 5th of this year a new DOD Regulation was passed that removed the medical regulation that prohibited transgender service. In the following month I sat down with DOD officials & further reviewed the regulations & procedures to include open transgender service in the US military, the same open & equal service by transgender people seen in eighteen other nations including the UK, Canada, Australia & Norway… Defense Secretary Hagel, thank you for this & your service to our country. I look forward to my next meeting in the Pentagon with new staff to continue on this journey to freedom." National Transgender Coalition Liaison, Ashleigh Barraza added, “During Monday’s press conference Hagel committed to remain in his position as Secretary of Defense until a successor has been named. During his remaining time, it is our hope that Hagel will keep his word about reviewing the ban on Transgender Servicemembers. As the White House struggles with it’s own foreign policy, the battle for transgender rights in the military wages on. There can be no mistaking the controversy that surrounds this day. The war in Afghanistan, ISIS (ISIL) & Transgender Servicemembers - all issues that Hagel has left open ended. While we cannot expect anyone to be selected during the current Lame Duck Session (between now & end of the year), it is our sincere hope that the Senate Republicans will work with Democrats & name the successor in a timely & equitable manner."
For More Info: militaryfreedomcoalition.org
LISTEN: Justin Luke Zirilli New Survival Guide The Gay Gospel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


New Uganda Anti Gay Agenda

The government of Uganda has shown their evil hateful agenda once again against our Ugandan LGBT community. The new law would make almost every LGBT person who rents homeless. The new bill includes language that potentially criminalizes any landlord or owner or renter of a property where an “unnatural act (gay sex)” takes place. Though the bill does not appear on the agenda for the next Ruling Party Caucus on December 13th politicians in Uganda have promised the bill will be introduced by Christmas. Jonathan Cooper, Director of the Human Dignity Trust stated, “Under this Bill, if a landlord rents accommodation to a gay man or lesbian knowing that they may engage in intimacy in their home, that landlord will face the prospect of a 7 year prison sentence. Why would that landlord take the risk? Gay men & lesbians already renting accommodation risk being evicted. If this Bill becomes law, the tyranny against the LGBTI community in Uganda continues. This wanton persecution must stop.” Tim McCarthy a filmmaker dedicated in helping LGBT Ugandans concluded, “Homophobes know that the only way to get good people to hate gays is to dehumanize gays; make them homeless, hungry & alone. Our perfect Voices of the Abasiyazzi Project counters that by humanizing gays, sharing hope & creating allies.” There will be a benefit concert Sunday November 30th at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House of Provincetown Massachusetts at 3P to support The Voices of the Abasiyazzi Project.
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Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


JFK Supported LGBT Equality

This is always a bittersweet day marking the anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Last year on the 50th anniversary we explored whether JFK would have supported LGBT equality. Pretty quickly we discovered that his closest & dearest friend in the world for 30 years was Lem Billings who was a gay man. Their relationship was documented in a book by author David Pitts entitled “Jack & Lem” published by Avalon. In the book in what the author calls “an extraordinary friendship,” are the details about Lem having his own room in the White House & how Jackie Kennedy dealt with having a third person in her marriage & other bits of lost history that aren’t taught in any school text books. Jack & Lem met while at prep school in the 1930s & from that point on were inseparable until the day Kennedy was assassinated. Pitts worked for 2 years to persuade Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to grant him research access to documents that have been locked away for decades. Letters between the 2 friends, recorded phone calls & even an 800+ page transcription of an oral history that Lem Billings gave after the death of the president. Pitts also combed through hundreds of photographs never seen by the public, many of which he was allowed to publish in the book & he interviewed anyone & everyone he could who knew Jack & Lem so he could tell as accurately as possible the story of a president & his gay best friend. So we can most definitely conclude that if JFK has lived beyond 1963 LGBT civil rights would have been on his agenda.
LISTEN: Producer Michael Levitt Talks Fox Canine TV Special
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT Immigration Discrimination

Though President Obama has taken executive action to extend relief to millions of undocumented immigrants it’s unclear to what extent LGBT undocumented immigrants will be included in that relief. According to GetEqual over 267,000 LGBT undocumented immigrants live each day afraid of being deported & many to countries that criminalize homosexuality. For these individuals deportation is almost a certainly death sentence. Because of Obama’s action being narrowly tied to family & work these are 2 key areas where LGBT people experience discrimination & many undocumented LGBT folks will be left out of this relief package. LGBT undocumented immigrants are 15 times more likely to be targeted for sexual violence while in detention centers. They are more likely to be raped, denied medication & kept in solitary confinement for extended periods of time. We need LGBTQ identified undocumented folks to be placed on the low-priority list for deportation in order to keep them out of a detention system that has been proven again & again to abuse & mistreat them. If the U.S. government cannot ensure the safety of those in its care President Obama must keep LGBT identified folks out of the system. Let’s ask Obama as he exercises his executive authority to expand administrative relief to millions of undocumented immigrants to ensure the safety of over 267,000 LGBT undocumented immigrants who face tremendous detention abuse.
Sign Petition: getequal.org
LISTEN: Producer Michael Levitt Talks Fox Canine TV Special
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Trevor Live LGBT Event

The Trevor Project will host its 16th annual “TrevorLIVE Los Angeles” the high-profile evening of music, comedy & entertainment on December 7th at the Hollywood Palladium. The event brings together top entertainers, advocates & corporate leaders to support the org’s life-saving, life-affirming work for LGBTQ youth in crisis. This year the Trevor Hero Award goes to NBC Entertainment’s Chairman, Robert Greenblatt for his ongoing support of the LGBT community. The 20/20 Visionary Award will be awarded to Yahoo which will be accepted by Sandy Gould, SVP, Talent Acquisition, for its efforts to advance an empowering future-focused message for LGBTQ young people & its allies nationwide. Skylar Kergil, a transgender artist, musician & YouTube personality will receive the Youth Innovator Award for his passions surrounding LGBTQ rights & advocacy in the community. Abbe Land, Executive Director & CEO of The Trevor Project stated, “All of our honorees this year are not only supporters but also strong role models. Their continued efforts have helped broaden the public awareness of the LGBTQ community. Whether it is through the development of diverse television programming, being a proponent of tolerance & equality in the work force, or openly sharing their story, they’ve all become pioneers who continuously push the boundaries & given a voice to our younger generation.” TrevorLIVE LA is produced & directed by Adam Shankman who will celebrate his 5th consecutive year directing the event. The star-studded evening includes performances by: Katharine McPhee, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Alex Newell, Melora Hardin & Marc Shaiman. There’ll be special appearances by Brittany Snow, Katherine Heigl, Dan Bucatinsky, Lisa Kudrow, Kelly Osbourne, Beth Behrs, Wentworth Miller, Matt McGorry, Jason Collins, Hal Sparks, Billy Eichner, Jay Ferguson, Jack Falahee, Ryan Eggold, Elisabeth Rohm & Lt. Governor Gavin Newsome.
For Info & Tix: thetrevorproject.org
LISTEN: Producer Michael Levitt Talks Fox Canine TV Special
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


New LGBT Healthcare Report

New research from the Center for American Progress shows that the Affordable Care Act is making significant headway in connecting lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender individuals & their families with affordable, high-quality health insurance coverage but more remains to be done. The report shows that in 2013 one in three LGBT people eligible for financial assistance to gain coverage under the Affordable Care Act were uninsured. By 2014 that number had dropped to one in four or 26 percent. In the past year since the first open enrollment period under the ACA, the rate of uninsured among low & middle-income LGBT adults fell 8 percentage points or 24 percent. Kellan Baker, Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress & lead author of the report stated, “The substantial drop in uninsured among LGBT individuals eligible for financial help to access coverage underscores the importance of the health reform law for promoting both the health & economic security of LGBT people & their families. LGBT health is an LGBT equality issue—especially for LGBT groups that are particularly likely to live in poverty, such as women, people of color & transgender people.” The report’s findings show significant drops in uninsured across the board for different LGBT groups as well as positive experiences among those who explored their options through Medicaid & the marketplaces, enrolled in coverage & attempted to access health care using their new coverage.
For More Info: americanprogress.org 
LISTEN: Producer Michael Levitt Talks Fox Canine TV Special
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Listen Derrick Gordon Speaks OUT

Friday night Derrick Gordon became the first openly gay Division 1 men's basketball player to compete in a collegiate game starting as a shooting guard & contributing to Massachusetts defeating Siena 95-87 at the Mullins Center. Gordon scored 17 points on 3-of-12 shooting, added nine rebounds, three assists & two steals. Gordon came up big at the free-throw line, hitting 11 of his 12 attempts. In April 2014 Gordon came out to his family & teammates. Gordon subsequently chose to come out publicly stating, "I just didn't want to hide anymore, in any way ... I've been waiting & watching for the last few months, wondering when a Division I player would come out & finally I just said, 'Why not me?'". He further said that Jason Collins becoming the first openly gay player in the National Basketball Association inspired him to come out. Gordon's family was mixed in their responses to his coming out but he received praise from Collins & Michael Sam, who became the first openly gay player in the National Football League. Last May at the GLAAD MEDIA Awards I talked to Derrick Gordon about being the first out NCAA basketball player, about his NBA aspirations & the future of LGBT athletes in this exclusive audio interview:
LISTEN: “Sharon Isbin: Troubadour” New APT Documentary
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Jazz Jennings To Be Honored

Equality Florida will be hosting their 12th Annual Equality Florida Broward Gala at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six Panorama Ballroom in Fort Lauderdale on Sunday November 16th. The highlight of the event will be the presentation of the Voice for Equality award to South Florida resident Jazz Jennings, who was recently announced as one of the “25 Most Influential Teens of 2014” by Time magazine. At just 14 years old, Jazz is a nationally recognized transgender teen advocate & has been featured on 20/20, 60 Minutes & The Oprah Winfrey Show. She is also co-author of I Am Jazz, an autobiographical children’s book about her experiences growing up as a transgender girl. "Jazz always knew she was different from other kids," reads the back of the 32-page book. "She had a girl's brain and a boy's body. This is her story." Stratton Pollitzer, Deputy Director of Equality Florida stated, “This amazing young woman inspires us all with her courage & candor, demonstrating what is possible when we share our stories. We are proud to recognize her for the impact she already has made on the lives of transgender youth & their families here in Broward County and across the nation.” More than 500 LGBT community, business & political leaders & allies are expected to attend. The 12th Annual Equality Florida Gala takes place on Sunday November 16th at 6P at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six Panorama Ballroom 2301 SE 17th Street in Fort Lauderdale.
For More Info & Tix: eqfl.org
LISTEN: “Sharon Isbin: Troubadour” New APT Documentary
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gloria Steinem Women’s Event 17

In a celebration of activism & advocacy The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (The Center) will honor iconic advocate & activist Gloria Steinem & New York State Assemblymember Deborah J. Glick at its 17th Annual Women’s Event on Saturday, November 15th. The Center will welcome hundreds of guests to the brand-new Cipriani in the historic Cunard Building to celebrate Ms. Steinem & Assemblymember Glick. Also being honored for its long-standing support is Prudential for its efforts to advance LGBT equality in the workplace. The Center will present Steinem with its Community Ally Award for her years of dedication to women’s rights. Steinem stated, "It's a special honor to receive an Ally Award from The LGBT Community Center because it stands for the right of each of us to be welcome in the world as our unique selves & also for our mutual support in seeking that right. Too often, social justice movements have been reported as separate, when in fact, we are & must be intertwined. I'm grateful to The Center for the vision that has brought us this far & for leading toward a future in which we are linked, not ranked." Glennda Testone, Executive Director at The Center concluded, “It is such a pleasure to have the opportunity to thank Gloria & Assemblymember Glick for their staggering contributions to the lives of women everywhere. It is through the work of these women, combined with the efforts of leading companies like Prudential, that we will truly create change & make the world a better place.” The event takes place at Cipriani 25 Broadway at Morris Street in NYC on November 15th from 7P to Midnight. Cocktail Attire Suggested.
For Info & Tix: gaycenter.org
LISTEN: “Sharon Isbin: Troubadour” New APT Documentary
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Janson Wu To Lead GLAD

Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) the architects of gay marriage & LGBT equality have announced that Janson Wu has been appointed as their new executive director & will begin his new position on December 1, 2014. For the last eight years Wu has served as a staff attorney at GLAD & has been deeply involved in the scope of GLAD’s successful legal, legislative & policy work. He has led GLAD’s coalition work in New Hampshire & Rhode Island & earlier this year he joined GLAD’s leadership team as deputy director. Dianne Phillips, GLAD Board President stated, “We are thrilled & proud to name Janson our new executive director at such an important & forward-looking time for the movement & for GLAD. Janson’s set of skills & talents are uniquely suited to this moment. Beyond his deep knowledge of GLAD, the movement & the issues facing our community both in New England & nationally, Janson brings to the table vision, impressive leadership abilities & the strategic thinking of a successful litigator.” Wu stated, “With all of the gains that GLAD has brought to New England, we now have a unique & exciting opportunity going forward. We are positioned to show the rest of the country what the next stage of our movement could look like if we dream big & keep our eyes on the prize – equal justice under law. I am both happy & humbled to have this chance to play a leadership role for our community.” Wu is a graduate of Harvard College & Harvard Law School & lives in Boston with his husband.
For More Info: glad.org
LISTEN: “Sharon Isbin: Troubadour” New APT Documentary
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT Veterans In Boston Parade

Four years after the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act of 2010 LGBT veterans will be included in Boston's annual Veterans Day parade. OutVets which is a recently-formed nonpartisan & nonpolitical group based in Boston expects between 10 to 30 people to march in today’s event sporting polo shirts & baseball caps. The parade route begins in Boston Common & passes City Hall & historic Faneuil Hall. OutVets spokesman Ryan McGill stated that the Suffolk County Council of the American Legion which coordinates the parade with the city has embraced the group with “open arms & strong support.” Bryan Bishop, OutVets founder stated, “For the first time in our nation’s history, gay service members & veterans are playing on a more level playing field. And it is time we recognize those individuals who not only served under fire in a war or conflict but simultaneously fought a war of ideals with the very nation they were fighting & in some cases dying, to protect.” Boston Mayor Martin Walsh called OutVets’ participation a “groundbreaking historical moment.” The Boston Veterans Day Parade begins at 1P on Tremont & Boylston Streets & the first Annual OUTVETS Veterans Day Reception begins at 3:30P to 5:30P at Club CafĂ© 209 Columbus Avenue in Boston. Come meet OUTVETS & celebrate & honor all of our Veterans & their families & Allies.
LISTEN: “Sharon Isbin: Troubadour” New APT Documentary
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


LGBT 40th Anniversary Event

The Golden Gate Business Association is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a Grand Reception on Monday November 10th at San Francisco War Memorial Opera House from 5P to 7:30P. The Grand Reception will be attended by approximately 400 of the most successful LGBT business-owners in San Francisco & the Bay Area including California leaders from throughout the spectrum of the business community, corporation procurement representatives, key public agency & department directors, as well as elected officials & special invited guests who you will want to network & interact with. The GGBA will celebrate the accomplishments over the past 40 years, recognize some astonishing accomplishments of local LGBT entrepreneurs who have literally transformed the world we live in while honoring GGBA past Presidents, Board of Directors & present staff. Learn how the GGBA has uniquely positioned LGBT businesses on the local, statewide & national level to achieve substantial financial growth. Keynote speakers will include; San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee, Stephanie Green California Public Utilities Commission, Mark Quinn U.S. Small Business Administration, Kenneth McNeely President, AT&T California, Justin G. Nelson Co-Founder & President, National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, John L. Martin Airport Director, San Francisco International Airport (SFO) & Mary Huss Publisher, San Francisco Business Times. Sergio Quintana of ABC 7 News/KGO-TV will emcee the event at the San Francisco Opera House at 301 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco.
For Info &Tix: ggba.chambermaster.com
Listen: Proposition Love Jewelry Supports LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Marc Solomon Winning Marriage

There will be a Boston launch party for Marc Solomon’s new book Winning Marriage on Monday November 10th at Club CafĂ© from 6P to 8P. The event is sponsored by the fabulous LGBT organizations Freedom to Marry, GLAD & MassEquality. Marc Solomon National Campaign Director, Freedom to Marry stated, “With so much momentum for marriage in 2014, it's certainly been an exciting year for all of us at Freedom to Marry. On a personal level, I'm thrilled to cap off this historic year with the launch of my new book, Winning Marriage: The Inside Story of How Same-Sex Couples Took on the Politicians & Pundits–And Won. The book is a testament to all of the advocates who have taken a stand for the freedom to marry over the last 10 years & I'm looking forward to sharing it with friends & colleagues in Massachusetts, where we got it all started!” In Winning Marriage Solomon gives the reader a seat at the strategy-setting & decision-making table in the campaign to win & protect our freedom to marry. There will be remarks by Carl Sciortino, Mary Bonauto & Marc Solomon. The event is hosted by Pem Brown, Hillary Goodridge, Julie Goodridge, Rob Compton & David Wilson, Mary Breslauer & Rebecca Haag, Steve Avruch & Ed MacLean, Philip Finch, Julian Cyr, Sue Hyde, Carl Rosendorf & Pete Dziedzic. Club CafĂ© is located at 209 Columbus Avenue in Boston, MA. The event is free but you must RSVP.
For Info & RSVP: freedomtomarry.org
Listen: Proposition Love Jewelry Supports LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Gay Marriage Comes To Missouri

Another gay marriage ban has been ruled unconstitutional in Missouri creating a surge of gay & lesbian couples to apply for marriage licenses in that state. Circuit Judge Rex Burlison stated in a written ruling that Missouri's measure recognizing marriage only between a man & woman violates the due process & equal protection rights of the U.S. Constitution. What makes this decision different from previous decisions in other states is Missouri Attorney General Chris Koster who immediately appealed the ruling to the state Supreme Court said that his office wouldn't seek a stay of the order since the U.S. Supreme Court refused to grant stays after gay & lesbian marriage decisions in Idaho & Alaska. So marriage licenses are now available for gay & lesbian couples in St. Louis. As marriage equality becomes the law in more & more US states we can’t help but wonder with the shift in power in the now GOP controlled US Senate & House how this is going to effect other issues that face our LGBT community like workplace discrimination, housing & especially transgender issues. As disheartening as midterm elections appear for the USA all we can really do is hope that 2 years of Republican domination should stagnate this country into possibly getting back on a progressive track in 2016.
Listen: Proposition Love Jewelry Supports LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Maura Healey Historic LGBT Win

Maura Healey was elected Attorney General in Massachusetts & when she takes office in January she’ll become the country's first openly gay state attorney general. When I talked to Maura on her campaign trail about LGBT equality she stated, “My commitment to LGBT civil rights is deeply personal & it’s deeply professional. As a gay person myself I’m acutely aware of discrimination & how that plays out when it comes to housing, employment, education & hate crimes. We still see LGBT people victimized on a daily basis & we read about that in the news & so we obviously have more work to do & certainly as Attorney General, as somebody who’s going to be in charge of enforcing the laws I’m going to fight to make sure that every LGBT person in our state feels safe, that we promote diversity & inclusiveness & that we support & make real Equality & equal treatment under the law.” KC Coredini, MassEquality Executive Director responding to Healey victory stated, “Maura's win is an historic victory for LGBTQ people & for LGBTQ equality. Maura has spent the last seven years in the attorney general's office making the Commonwealth a national leader on LGBTQ issues with her vision, drive & talent. Now, as the country's first openly gay state attorney general she is poised to make history again, not only with what more she will accomplish in this critical office, but with who she is. For LGBTQ young people everywhere, Maura is an example of how far they can go & how much they can accomplish. We look forward to continuing to work with her to ensure a level playing field for all & to raise the bar on equality & justice, both across this state & the nation." Updates to Come…:)
Listen: Proposition Love Jewelry Supports LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Vote For Pro LGBT Candidates

The Republicans are trying to beat-up the Democrats in today's election. Let’s not let them attempt to takeaway all the rights that the Obama administration has achieved for our LGBT community. There are extremely close elections across the country that will shape the landscape for LGBT equality legislation over the coming years. The polls are virtually tied in the Massachusetts governor race, in key U.S. Senate races in New Hampshire & a half-dozen other states. We can't wake up tomorrow knowing we could have done more to elect progressive forward-thinking politicians. Tell the world know you plan to vote for equality today. Please send messages to your friends, family & the world that LGBT civil rights should be a top priority for our elected leaders. Aside from voting, the most important thing you can do today is send your friends & family members messages that voting for pro-equality candidates is important to you. In Massachusetts we’re voting for Dems Ed Markey for U.S. Senator, Martha Coakley for Governor, openly gay Steve Kerrigan for Lt. Governor, openly gay Maura Healey for Attorney General, Deborah Goldberg for Treasurer, William Galvin for Secretary of State, Suzanne Bump for Auditor, United States House of Representatives: Richard Neal MA-1, Jim McGovern MA-2, Niki Tsongas MA-3, Joe Kennedy MA-4, Katherine Clark MA-5, Mike Capuano MA-7, Stephen F. Lynch MA-8 & Bill Keating MA-9.
For Info Where To Vote In Your State...
Listen: Proposition Love Jewelry Supports LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Baker’s Anti LGBT Running Mate

The race for Governor of Massachusetts is too close to call. Democrat Martha Coakley & Republican Charlie Baker are tied at 42%. If Baker wins this election it will be a giant step backwards for LGBT equality in this state. When Baker’s running mate State Representative Karyn Polito was in office from 2001-2011 she voted consistently against our LGBT community. She led the charge for a statewide ballot question to ban gay marriage, voted against the Transgender Civil Rights bill & supported Governor Romney’s attempt to dissolve the LGBT Youth Commission. Today the Baker campaign & Polito’s position on marriage equality in Massachusetts is that gay & lesbian marriage is the accepted law of the Commonwealth but the campaign refused to make Polito available to be interviewed about her position. Remember last March at a gubernatorial MassEquality/WGBH News forum Baker & Polito were a no-show. So for our LGBT community & allies in Massachusetts the choice is clear. When you go to vote tomorrow vote Martha Coakley for Governor & openly gay Steve Kerrigan for Lt. Governor. Kara Coredini, Executive Director of MassEquality stated, "Martha Coakley has been a vocal, game-changing leader on every issue the LGBTQ community has faced over the course of her career - the freedom to marry, transgender equality, hate crimes, school safety & more. Martha Coakley is the only candidate that has the combination of forward-looking, innovative & proven leadership that we need in our next Governor in order to ensure that our Commonwealth continues to be a national leader on LGBTQ rights.” Also help make history & vote for Maura Healey as the first openly gay Attorney General.
LISTEN: Dr. Dain Heer On Being You Can Change The World
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


Olympia Dukakis LGBT Events

Olympia Dukakis will be appearing at 2 LGBT events in San Francisco on Wednesday November 5th. First at Out & Equal’s 2014 LGBT Workplace Summit that takes place November 3rd to 6th in San Francisco, Academy Award winner Dukakis will be a keynote speaker on Wednesday November  5th’s power lunch from 1P to 3P. She’ll be joined with Out & Equal’s Executive Director Selisse Berry & entertainment will be provided by American Idol finalist David Hernandez. Olympia Dukakis won her Oscar for Moonstruck & has appeared in more than 60 feature & short films including recently in her lesbian role in “Cloudburst”. Never shy of LGBT characters she starred in her groundbreaking transgender role in Armistead Maupin’s “Tales of the City” which aired on PBS in 1993. Then Dukakis will then appear at an event “Cocktails with Olympia Dukakis” at the McLoughlin Gallery in San Francisco hosted by Horizons Foundation from 5:30P to 7:30P. The Horizons Foundation invites you to enjoy drinks, food & laughter at an intimate reception with one of our LGBT community's most outspoken & delightful allies. This is a fabulous opportunity to join Dukakis for an exclusive evening of cocktails & conversation with the actress, director, producer, teacher, activist & best-selling author. She'll be joined by director & her friend Harry Mavromichalis, sharing stories about the making of his new feature-length documentary, "Olympia Dukakis: Undefined". All proceeds will benefit their film.
For Info & Tix…
LISTEN: Dr. Dain Heer On Being You Can Change The World
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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