We always have something to be thankful for on Thanksgiving Day but this year our LGBT community has historically moved closer to marriage equality in this country. As of November 27th gay & lesbian couples can legally marry in 70% of America or 35 out of 50 states. The remaining five states are in the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals' & headed to the Supreme Court for upholding their unconstitutional marriage bans. Hopefully the Justices will announce as soon as January that they'll hear one or several of these crucial cases. In the meantime thousands of gay & lesbian couples have married this year & will be receiving federal rights & protections for their families, including myself. Unfortunately ENDA the Employment Non-Discrimination Act appears to be dead in Washington even though Obama signed an executive order that protects 14 million workers employed by federal contractors from anti-LGBT discrimination. Just remember that our LGBT community will not be safe until a federal bill passes providing a safe workplace environment for all, regardless on whom you love. As we continue our momentum to full equality in this country we must keep on educating those who just don’t get it & educate their homophobic hearts & minds. My grandmother always said everyone wants the same thing; “A roof over their heads, food in their bellies & someone to love.” Let’s all remember that simple definition of life as we enjoy this holiday. So from our family to yours have a Fabulous & Safe Thanksgiving Day....:)
LISTEN: Marilyn Rosen & My Fabulous Gay Wedding
LISTEN: Justin Luke Zirilli New Survival Guide The Gay Gospel
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™
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