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Gloria Steinem Women’s Event 17

By Charlotte Robinson, November 13, 2014
In a celebration of activism & advocacy The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center (The Center) will honor iconic advocate & activist Gloria Steinem & New York State Assemblymember Deborah J. Glick at its 17th Annual Women’s Event on Saturday, November 15th. The Center will welcome hundreds of guests to the brand-new Cipriani in the historic Cunard Building to celebrate Ms. Steinem & Assemblymember Glick. Also being honored for its long-standing support is Prudential for its efforts to advance LGBT equality in the workplace. The Center will present Steinem with its Community Ally Award for her years of dedication to women’s rights. Steinem stated, "It's a special honor to receive an Ally Award from The LGBT Community Center because it stands for the right of each of us to be welcome in the world as our unique selves & also for our mutual support in seeking that right. Too often, social justice movements have been reported as separate, when in fact, we are & must be intertwined. I'm grateful to The Center for the vision that has brought us this far & for leading toward a future in which we are linked, not ranked." Glennda Testone, Executive Director at The Center concluded, “It is such a pleasure to have the opportunity to thank Gloria & Assemblymember Glick for their staggering contributions to the lives of women everywhere. It is through the work of these women, combined with the efforts of leading companies like Prudential, that we will truly create change & make the world a better place.” The event takes place at Cipriani 25 Broadway at Morris Street in NYC on November 15th from 7P to Midnight. Cocktail Attire Suggested.
For Info & Tix: gaycenter.org
LISTEN: “Sharon Isbin: Troubadour” New APT Documentary
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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