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Jazz Jennings To Be Honored

By Charlotte Robinson, November 14, 2014
Equality Florida will be hosting their 12th Annual Equality Florida Broward Gala at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six Panorama Ballroom in Fort Lauderdale on Sunday November 16th. The highlight of the event will be the presentation of the Voice for Equality award to South Florida resident Jazz Jennings, who was recently announced as one of the “25 Most Influential Teens of 2014” by Time magazine. At just 14 years old, Jazz is a nationally recognized transgender teen advocate & has been featured on 20/20, 60 Minutes & The Oprah Winfrey Show. She is also co-author of I Am Jazz, an autobiographical children’s book about her experiences growing up as a transgender girl. "Jazz always knew she was different from other kids," reads the back of the 32-page book. "She had a girl's brain and a boy's body. This is her story." Stratton Pollitzer, Deputy Director of Equality Florida stated, “This amazing young woman inspires us all with her courage & candor, demonstrating what is possible when we share our stories. We are proud to recognize her for the impact she already has made on the lives of transgender youth & their families here in Broward County and across the nation.” More than 500 LGBT community, business & political leaders & allies are expected to attend. The 12th Annual Equality Florida Gala takes place on Sunday November 16th at 6P at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty-Six Panorama Ballroom 2301 SE 17th Street in Fort Lauderdale.
For More Info & Tix: eqfl.org
LISTEN: “Sharon Isbin: Troubadour” New APT Documentary
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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