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LGBT 40th Anniversary Event

By Charlotte Robinson, November 09, 2014
The Golden Gate Business Association is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a Grand Reception on Monday November 10th at San Francisco War Memorial Opera House from 5P to 7:30P. The Grand Reception will be attended by approximately 400 of the most successful LGBT business-owners in San Francisco & the Bay Area including California leaders from throughout the spectrum of the business community, corporation procurement representatives, key public agency & department directors, as well as elected officials & special invited guests who you will want to network & interact with. The GGBA will celebrate the accomplishments over the past 40 years, recognize some astonishing accomplishments of local LGBT entrepreneurs who have literally transformed the world we live in while honoring GGBA past Presidents, Board of Directors & present staff. Learn how the GGBA has uniquely positioned LGBT businesses on the local, statewide & national level to achieve substantial financial growth. Keynote speakers will include; San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee, Stephanie Green California Public Utilities Commission, Mark Quinn U.S. Small Business Administration, Kenneth McNeely President, AT&T California, Justin G. Nelson Co-Founder & President, National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, John L. Martin Airport Director, San Francisco International Airport (SFO) & Mary Huss Publisher, San Francisco Business Times. Sergio Quintana of ABC 7 News/KGO-TV will emcee the event at the San Francisco Opera House at 301 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco.
For Info &Tix: ggba.chambermaster.com
Listen: Proposition Love Jewelry Supports LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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