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Tracy Baim San Francisco Event

Tracy Baim author of the new book “Barbara Gittings: Gay Pioneer” will be having a discussion & book signing on Wednesday September 2nd at 6P at the James C. Hormel Gay & Lesbian Center of San Francisco Public Library in the Latino Room, Main Library Lower Level. The work of Barbara Gittings in the LGBT movement spanned from the late 1950s until her death in 2007. Her partner in life Kay Lahusen photographed many of the movement’s biggest actions during the 1960’s with more than 270 photos accompany this biography, making it a historical photo album of the movement. Gittings was active in a wide range of pre- & post-Stonewall groups, including the Daughters of Bilitis. Perhaps most importantly Gittings was among the leaders of the push to change the American Psychiatric Association diagnosis of homosexuality as an illness & she was among those pushing the American Library Association to be more inclusive of gays. Tracy Baim is author of Barbara Gittings” Gay Pioneer & 10 other books on LGBT history, including Obama & the Gays: A Political Marriage & Gay Press, Gay Power. She is co-founder and publisher of Windy City Times newspaper in Chicago. The James C. Hormel Gay & Lesbian Center at the San Francisco Public Library is at 100 Larkin Street in San Francisco, California.
For More Info: sfpl.org
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LGBT Reaction to Rentboy Bust

The gay escort site Rentboy.com in NYC was raided by federal authorities this week as part of an investigation into money laundering & illegal prostitution. Federal agents arrested Rentboy.com CEO Jeffrey Hurant & six of the company’s employees on prostitution charges. The agents also seized their homes, bank accounts & $1.4 million. Kate Kendell President of National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) stated, “Like Amnesty International, the World Health Organization & other medical & human rights organizations, NCLR strongly opposes criminal prosecution of sex work by adults. Experience & evidence have shown that criminalization serves only to make those who are vulnerable to harms associated with sex work even more vulnerable. The criminal charges against Rentboy.com by the Department of Homeland Security & the Department of Justice are misguided & a terrible waste of resources. We are especially concerned about the negative impact on LGBT individuals who have been driven to sex work after being rejected by their families & experiencing other types of discrimination. NCLR strongly recommends that the federal government adopt a strategy aimed at providing essential supports – education, jobs, housing – to LGBT youth & adults who have been marginalized by these serious harms.” If you venture to the Rentboy.com site you will see Homeland Security’s statement: “This domain has been seized by ICE-Homeland Security Investigations, pursuant to seizure warrant issued by the United States District Court for the Eastern District of New York under the authority of 18 U.S.C. §§ 981 for violation of 18 U.S.C. § 1956.” Interesting that they bust a gay site while all the NYC heterosexual escort sites remain open.
Listen: Filmmaker Garry DuFour Talks "Atomic Veterans Speak"
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LGBT Elders of Color Boston Event

The LGBT Elders of Color is having a Flashback Sunday Affair on Sunday August 30th from 2P to 5P. They will be celebrating the Supreme Court’s landmark marriage equality decision & equal rights for everyone. Bob Linscott LGBT Aging Project Assistant Director stated, “We hope you are enjoying your summer, truly ‘The Summer to Remember.’ Who could have predicted that we would have marriage equality in our lifetime in all 50 states, but it happened. We are also celebrating the Supreme Court’s other landmark ruling on the Affordable Care Act, which is a huge victory for everybody, especially LGBT people. These exciting events came on the coattails of our legislature’s indefinite extension of The Massachusetts Commission on LGBT Aging, which is the first of its kind in the nation that makes every senior center a welcoming place for all.” There will be music, dancing, food & beverage at the Flashback Sunday Affair on Sunday August 30th. The event is free but a suggested $10 donation will help fund this & future events. The Flashback Sunday Affair will be held at Central Boston Elder Services at 2315 Washington Street in Boston, Massachusetts. This is a festive gathering for LGBT Elders of Color & their friend & allies. The event is sponsored by The Fenway Health Institute, LGBT Aging Project & Central Boston Elder Services.
Please RSVP by calling: 617.396.4926
Listen: Filmmaker Garry DuFour Talks "Atomic Veterans Speak"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Sibling Revelry Plays Provincetown

Ann Hampton Callaway & her sister Liz Callaway are bringing their award-winning "Sibling Revelry" concert to The Provincetown Theater on August 28th & August 29th at 8P in Provincetown, Massachusetts. This is a fabulous performance you won’t want to miss. The Callaway sisters originally from Chicago have performed throughout the world, together & as solo artists, from Concert Halls to Broadway stages. They’re now bringing their unique fusion of cabaret & Broadway to closeout The Provincetown Theater’s Broadway Concert Series. This is the first time they have performed “Sibling Revelry” in Provincetown. Ann Hampton Callaway stated, "It feels historic that Liz & I are making our Provincetown debut with "Sibling Revelry" this weekend at The Provincetown Playhouse. It is said that you don't get your gay card unless you've seen our show, so knowing how fabulous P-town is, two sold out shows on August 28th & 29th will not be a surprise!" Liz Callaway added, "One of my favorite places to visit is Provincetown & one of my favorite people to sing with is my sister, Ann. Provincetown & Ann, what a perfect combination! Can’t wait to make our long awaited P-Town Sisters' Debut!” Tickets are going fast but there are still a few left for both shows. Tickets range from $72 to $95 for VIP seating with $3.50 added to each ticket to support The Provincetown Theater Foundation.
For Info & Tix: provincetowntheater.org
Listen: Filmmaker Garry DuFour Talks "Atomic Veterans Speak"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

GLSEN Respect Awards 2015

GLSEN the leading national LGBT education organization focused on ensuring safe & affirming schools for all students will honor fierce LGBT allies Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake with the Inspiration Award at GLSEN’s Respect Awards in Los Angeles on Friday, October 23rd at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. In addition past honorees Bob Greenblatt, Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jim Parsons & Todd Spiewak, & Julia Roberts & Danny Moder will return as honorary co-chairs to help celebrate GLSEN’s 25th anniversary. Dr. Eliza Byard GLSEN Executive Director “We are thrilled to announce the honorees for the 2015 GLSEN Respect Awards - Los Angeles, two vocal & committed allies to the LGBT community who are also devoted to charitable works that improve the lives of youth. Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake have consistently been visible & committed allies. We are also happy to welcome back past honorees Bob Greenblatt, Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jim Parsons & Todd Spiewak & Julia Roberts & Danny Moder. We are inspired & honored by their continued leadership & support for the GLSEN Respect Awards.” Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake will be honored with the Inspiration Award for their long-standing commitment to improving the lives of children. They have also been vocal supporters of the LGBT community, using their profiles to raise awareness among fans & advocate for positive changes.
For Info & Tix: glsen.org
Listen: Filmmaker Garry DuFour Talks "Atomic Veterans Speak"
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U.N. Addressing LGBT Rights

U.S Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power & her Chilean counterpart Ambassador Cristian Barros Melet conducted the first ever U.N. Security Council meeting on LGBT rights Monday. Open to all U.N. member states, the gathering focused on the appalling abuse & violence being perpetrated against LGBT people in areas in which ISIS exerts control. Chad Griffin HRC President stated, “The gruesome images & videos documenting ISIS's horrific violence are a haunting reminder of humankind's capacity for evil. By convening this meeting, Ambassadors Power & Melet have made clear that these human rights abuses against LGBT people are not only deeply heinous & inhumane, but also a matter of utmost importance to global security.” In its path of destruction across Iraq & Syria, ISIS has released several images & videos documenting the brutal execution of those accused of being LGBT. The International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) has created a timeline of attacks against allegedly LGBT people, including executions that often involve throwing men from roof tops or stoning them to death. In a particularly shocking example, ISIS released videos of the public execution of four gay men on Twitter on the same day the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality, using the hashtag “Love Wins”. We now have 19 countries with marriage equality& in two countries gay & lesbian marriages are legal in certain jurisdictions. However in 10 countries worldwide, gay & lesbian activity is punishable by death & 75 countries criminalize & hundreds of transgender individuals have been brutally murdered just in the last year.
For More Info: iglhrc.org
Listen: Filmmaker Garry DuFour Talks "Atomic Veterans Speak"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Massachusetts Transgender Update

When it comes to transgender rights Massachusetts has modernized the standard & process for changing gender markers on birth certificates. The proof of surgery is no longer required. Gay & Lesbian Advocates & Defenders (GLAD) has worked extensively with advocates & policymakers in Massachusetts & throughout New England to implement this vital change. With this revision Massachusetts joins Connecticut, Rhode Island, Vermont & five other states plus D.C. in modernizing the process by which transgender people can receive an accurate birth certificate. Jennifer Levi, Director of GLAD’s Transgender Rights Project stated, “This is a critical advance for Massachusetts’ transgender citizens. When transgender people cannot get identity documents that accurately reflect a person’s gender identity, we are vulnerable to discrimination, harassment & violence.” GLAD will be honoring Jennifer Finney Boylan, the first best-selling transgender author in the U.S. whose writings, teachings & activism have significantly illuminated & articulated transgender experience with this year’s GLAD 2015 Spirit of Justice Award in October. Jennifer Boylan stated, “GLAD has been a leader in defending the rights of LGBT people since its inception. I am personally very grateful for their work, not only as an advocate in solidarity with the fine work GLAD does, but also because they defended me, & people like me, in the state of Maine. Their work to defeat the bill that would have stripped human rights protections from trans Mainers meant, quite literally, the difference between living a life with dignity, or its opposite, in my home state.” The 16th Annual Spirit of Justice Award Dinner takes place at the Boston Marriott Copley Place on October 16th. In this exclusive audio byte we talked to Jennifer about what she would like to see happen for LGBT equality in the next few years:
For More Info & Tix: glad.org
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Illinois Ends Conversion Therapy

Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner signed House Bill 217 into law, making Illinois the fifth jurisdiction behind California, New Jersey, the District of Columbia & Oregon to protect LGBTQ youth from the dangers of conversion therapy. Samantha Ames National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) #BornPerfect Campaign Coordinator & Staff Attorney stated, “We are thrilled that Illinois has joined the rapidly growing number of states leading the way to protect LGBTQ youth from conversion therapy. Illinois families can now have confidence that the mental health professional they turn to in times of uncertainty may not use their state license to profit from their children’s pain. Most importantly, Illinois kids can now rest easy in the knowledge that they cannot be forced or coerced to undergo dangerous & discredited treatments to fix who they are. Today brings us one step closer to the day when all LGBTQ youth know they were born perfect.” Chad Griffin Human Rights Campaign (HRC) President concluded, "With this tremendous step, LGBT youth in Illinois are now protected from a dangerous & appalling practice based on junk pseudoscience that amounts to nothing less than child abuse. Discredited by every major mental health, medical & child welfare organization, conversion 'therapy' uses fear & shame to tell young people the only way to find love & acceptance is to change the very nature of who they are. We thank Governor Rauner, as well as members of the state legislature on both sides of the aisle, for putting politics aside & the well-being of children first. We will continue to work with our allies to secure these crucial protections in every state across the nation."
For More Info: nclrights.org 
Listen: Garry DuFour Talks New Documentary Atomic Veterans Speak

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Republican Anti LGBT Agenda

It appears that the Republican National Committee (RNC) has passed an anti LGBT resolution in support of the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA). This resolution would undermine the rule of law & promote taxpayer-funded discrimination. JoDee Winterhof, Senior Vice President for Policy & Political Affairs for HRC stated, "The right to believe is fundamental, but the right to use taxpayer dollars to promote discrimination is not. It's no wonder the RNC attempted to keep quiet its support for a reckless & irresponsible bill that would promote discrimination with taxpayers’ money & reward discriminatory actions by federal employees with taxpayer funding. Those Republican candidates who choose not to speak out against this RNC resolution should not be shocked when LGBT Americans choose to not give them the benefit of the doubt next November.” If this legislation passed it would prohibit any adverse action by the federal government against an individual or organization for discriminatory actions against legally married gay or lesbian couples as long as they claim they are acting in accordance with their religious beliefs. For example it would allow a federal employee to refuse to process tax returns, visa applications or Social Security checks whenever a gay or lesbian couple's paperwork appears on his or her desk. This legislation would also permit recipients of federal grants & contracts, including those for social services programs like homeless shelters & substance abuse treatment programs, to turn away LGBT people. It allows any of these individuals or groups, or anyone else who believes they have been somehow required by the federal government to approve of married gay & lesbian couples to file a lawsuit & potentially receive damages from taxpayer money.
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Carnival Week In Provincetown

Provincetown is celebrating its 37th fabulous year of Carnival Week that takes place now through August 21st. This year’s theme is “Candy Land” & Grand Marshal is Sandra Bernhard. This is an historic LGBT event including dance parties, inn stroll & the best part of the week  the fabulous Carnival Parade! On Monday August 17th there’s the free Hubba Bubba Vendor Fair that takes place from noon to 4P behind Town Hall. Come check out the hottest local artists, handcrafts & antiques fair. Then there’s the Liquid Candy Pool Party with fun in the sun with the Absolut Boys/Girls & the amazing DJ Andy Morris. Special Guest TV Star & everybody's favorite mob wife Big Ang introducing her new line of men's swimwear at Brass Key Guesthouse from 2P to 5P. There’s a $10 cover to benefit Provincetown Business Guild. Followed by the Sugar & Spice Costume Ball hosted by Provincetown's very own Hat Sisters. Costumes will be judged for Cash Prizes, along with crowns, sashes & the honored by being on PBG float in the fabulous Carnival Parade on Thursday August 20th. Highlights on Tuesday include Good & Plenty Watership Inn Party & the Eye Candy Dance Party with the cover charge of $10 to benefit PBG’s Carnival & The Provincetown AIDS Support Group The A House. On Wednesday August 19th at 8P Grand Marshal Sandra Bernhard is performing at Town Hall. Cabaret performer Anne Steele is the opener. Then on Thursday is the infamous parade you've waited for all year long for from 3P to 5P down Commercial Street. These are just some of the highpoints.
For More Info & Tix: ptown.org
LISTEN: Betty Buckley Talks Provincetown Concerts & More
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

Trans Film Coast to Coast Showing

“Life is change. Life is a journey.” These are the opening words of Annabelle, one of two transgender women profiled in Director Alexia Kosmider's documentary TransJourney. Peek in on a short stretch of Annabelle’s personal path as her mother visits, she reminisces with her friend & trans mentor & she experiences the blossoming of love. There are two east coast free screenings of TransJourney scheduled in August. On Monday August 17th TransJourney will be screened at the Cape Cod Chapter PFLAG meeting in Brewster at First Parish Brewster, 1969 Main Street, Brewster, MA at 7P. This will be followed by another free screening of TransJourney on Thursday, August 20th as part of a special PFLAG support meeting being held at St. Therese Old Catholic Church, 1500 Main Street in West Warwick, RI from 7P to 9P. The documentary will be shown during the last hour of the meeting. Then if you didn't make it to Seattle's Translations Film Festival in May to see TransJourney you have another opportunity to view the documentary which will be screened at the Gender Odyssey Conference in Seattle, WA on Saturday August 22nd as part of the Trans Family Short Documentaries. Gender Odyssey is an international conference focused on the needs & interests of transgender & gender-nonconforming people that runs from August 20th to 23rd. Packed with thought-provoking workshops, discussion groups, social events & entertainment this one-of-a-kind annual gathering attracts people from all over the world for an uplifting weekend of skill sharing & community in Seattle, WA.
Listen: Director Alexia Kosmider Talks New Doc TransJourney
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Florida Denies Birth Certificates

Cathy Pareto & Karla Arguello the first lesbian couple to be married in Florida celebrated the birth of their twin son & daughter but the couple’s joy was soon mixed with fear & frustration when the hospital denied Cathy the right to add her name to the children’s birth certificates. Almost a year since Florida’s marriage ban was declared unconstitutional the Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics is still refusing to allow hospitals to list both same gender parents on their baby’s birth certificate. Today Cathy& Karla who were lead plaintiffs in Florida’s marriage lawsuit are joining two other married lesbian couples in a federal lawsuit challenging Florida’s refusal to issue them accurate birth certificates listing both spouses as parents of their children. Equality Florida, the largest organization representing lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender Floridians is also a plaintiff in the case. Nadine Smith, Executive Director of Equality Florida stated, “Attorney General Pam Bondi could have avoided yet another costly lawsuit by directing all state agencies to simply comply with the law. Instead she turned her back on repeated requests to take action. Birth certificates are the first official document that represent a new born baby's family. Having an inaccurate birth certificate hinders parents’ ability to take care of their child & access important legal benefits and protections. Denying our families this is not only spiteful & harmful, it is illegal.” The other couples in the lawsuit are Debbie & Kari Chin of St. Petersburg & Yadira Arenas & Alma Vezquez of Winter Haven. The plaintiffs are represented by the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) & Florida attorneys Mary Meeks and Elizabeth Schwartz.
For More Info: eqfl.org
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Cape Cod Against The Tide Event

The statewide Cape Cod Against the Tide swim, kayak, walk or run fundraising event will be held for the 16th year DCR's Nickerson State Park in Brewster, MA on Saturday, August 15th to support the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition (MBCC) which was founded by a group of lesbian women in 1991. Proceeds benefit MBCC, which is Massachusetts’s leading breast cancer organization that seeks to understand the causes of breast cancer in order to find ways to prevent the disease. Director Cheryl Osimo, MBCC's Executive Director & Co-Founder of Silent Spring Institute stated, "We are very fortunate to have such tremendous support from citizens of Massachusetts demanding greater protection of their children's future health in our effort to stop breast cancer before it starts. MBCC often is overshadowed by larger, national breast cancer organizations & messages of early detection, treatment & finding a cure. We depend on our generous media & supporters to continue our unique goal of breast cancer prevention”. Participants may register as an individual or as part of a team & are encouraged to raise $175 or $100 per team member. All proceeds support the Massachusetts Breast Cancer Coalition. There is still time participate on the beach at Nickerson State Park. Online Registration is open till Friday, August 14th at Noon & Walk-in Registrations is welcome the morning of the event as well. Listen to Cheryl Osimo talk about how MBCC was founded in this exclusive audio byte:
For More Info: mbcc.org
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Chris Christie Veto’s Trans Bill

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie vetoed a bill Monday that would have eased access to accurate birth certificates for transgender people. This is Governor Christie's second veto of this legislation despite overwhelming support in the New Jersey General Assembly. In response National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) State Policy Counsel, Arli Christian, who has worked closely with local & state advocates on this bill, issued the following statement: "For the second time, Governor Chris Christie has elected to allow his state's birth certificate laws to deteriorate despite the overwhelming majority of support from the New Jersey legislature to modernize. His veto on this bill keeps in place outdated & burdensome requirements that make it incredibly difficult for transgender people to get birth certificates that match who they are. Birth Certificates play an enormous role in transgender people's ability to live their life as the person that they are. And Governor Christie has--for a second time--vetoed legislation denying that for transgender New Jerseyans." When Governor Christie's first veto of this legislation in January 2014 he cited fears of fraud, deception & abuse over the removal of the surgery requirement, demonstrating a clear lack of understanding of transgender people & standards of gender transition. Nine states & the District of Columbia have take action to allow transgender people access to accurate birth certificates.
For More Info: transequality.org
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LGBT International Business Event

LGBT Confex International Business Forum 2015 has grown to become the most important event for LGBT business in Latin America & takes place next month at the Yucatán Siglo XXI Convention Center in Mérida in Yucatán, México on September 18th & 19th. The Forum features a comprehensive program that includes exhibition, business appointments, conferences, networking events, workshops, business meetings & social activities. This year educational presentations & workshops will be included from many leading global LGBT leaders focusing in the platforms of Tourism, Corporate, Film, Academic, Fashion, Entrepreneurs, Technology & Media. Highlighted speakers will include: Apoorva N. Gandhi, Vice President, Multicultural Affairs Marriott International, Inc. Marriott International, Araceli Ramos, PR & Promotion Director Jose Cuervo, Dagyi Rivera, Wedding Lover + Author + Educator Gay Wedding, Institute 14 Stories, Deena Fidas, Director, Workplace Equality Program Human Rights Campaign Foundation, Franco Velazquez, Hilario, Mark Chesnut, Editor LatinFlyer.com, Pavel Cortes, Director Premio Maguey, Richard Gray Managing Director for the LGBT market Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau, Ron Kuijpers, IGLTA Mexico Ambassador IGLTA, Sahian Barajas & Alejandra Treviño President & Vice President AIRE, Sarah Prager Founder Quist, Selisse Berry CEO & Founder Out & Equal Workplace Advocates & Vincent Pompei, Director of the Youth Well-Being Project Human Rights Campaign Foundation. Attendees will have the opportunity to attend in the following events taking place during the LGBT Confex Forum: International LGBT Business Expo 2015, Diversity Workplace Meeting 2015 (Limited Capacity) & International Congress on Sexual Diversity Studies.
For More Info: lgbtconfex.com
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LGBT Rural Pride Summit Series

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) & the National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR) will host the next Rural Pride summit in Lexington, Kentucky on Wednesday August 12th. The daylong event, co-hosted by the True Colors Fund & the Pride Community Services Organization (PCSO) will be held at PCSO’s office, 389 Waller Avenue, Suite 100 in Lexington, Kentucky from 1P to 4:45P. Cyndi Lauper, Co-founder of the True Colors Fund stated, "We applaud the USDA for celebrating lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender people living in rural communities across the country with this important series of summits. LGBT youth comprise up to 40 percent of our nation's homeless youth population. Those in rural communities face incredibly unique challenges & are such an important & often overlooked part of this conversation. The True Colors Fund is proud to partner with the USDA & NCLR to highlight their stories as a part of the many experiences that LGBT people face in rural America." Each summit series offers a unique opportunity for USDA & other federal agencies to share information relating to policies, programs & services that exist to protect, promote & strengthen LGBT rural communities. Issues ranging from rural housing loans, community facility grants & bullying will be discussed. Each series will also include a strong presence from local nonprofit organizations, sharing USDA's dedication to serving LGBT rural America.
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LGBT Spin On First GOP Debate

As expected LGBT issues weren’t really addressed in the first Republican presidential debate. The media is just highlighting Donald Trump’s slam at Rosie O'Donnell that unfortunately drew cheers from the audience. The other remarks worth mentioning was Ohio Gov. John Kasich who talked about marriage equality which he is opposed to but stated he accepts the June 26th Supreme Court ruling as established law. He also stated he recently attended a friend’s same gender wedding & that “of course” he’d love & accept a child of his who turned out to be gay. Winnie Stachelberg, Executive Vice President of External Affairs at the Center for American Progress Action Fund stated, “GOP candidates in tonight’s debate showed the emptiness of their rhetoric in touting opportunity for all when speaking about lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender, or LGBT, Americans. Not only did their comments about the LGBT community show that they are out of touch with the majority of Americans, but they also used the guise of religious liberty to argue that our nation should move backwards in affording all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, equal rights. Instead of discussing policies to broaden protections for LGBT Americans, such as comprehensive nondiscrimination reforms, the GOP candidates played to their conservative base. In a majority of states, gay & lesbian couples can be legally married & then be at risk of being fired from their jobs, evicted from their apartments, denied credit, or refused services or goods the next day, simply because of their sexual orientation. We need to broaden rights & equal protections for LGBT Americans, not shrink them & Republicans who continue to oppose these basic rights fall further out of touch with a growing number of today’s electorate.”
LISTEN: Marriage Activists Celebrate LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

New York Pops Summer Series

The New York Pops begins its inaugural season Thursday August 6th at its new summer home at Forest Hills Stadium in Queens, NY. On the heels of her sold-out Carnegie Hall solo debut with the orchestra Sutton Foster will join The New York Pops on August 6th at the legendary stadium led by Music Director & Conductor Steven Reineke for an evening of Broadway standards & some of her favorite tunes. Then on Friday August 7th our favorite Pink Martini returns to New York City to join the orchestra in a night of eclectic & fun music under the stars, spanning many genres, languages & styles. Executive Director Anne M. Swanson stated, “I am thrilled about The New York Pops’ inaugural season at its official summer home, Forest Hills Stadium. We are tremendously excited to be embarking on this new venture in such a fantastic, historic venue. I cannot imagine a more wonderful summer home for The New York Pops.” Music Director & Conductor Steven Reineke concluded, “I’m beyond delighted that The New York Pops will perform at Forest Hills Stadium this summer. We have a great orchestra with 78 amazing musicians & we have so many loyal fans. I’m thrilled that we’ll be able to share our music with a larger audience in such a legendary venue this summer & for many more summers to come. In addition, I’m so pleased that we will share the stage with our talented guest artists, Sutton Foster & Pink Martini! This new concert series will give us the opportunity to grow & expand in ways that we have always dreamed, and I know everybody in the stadium will have a great time.” There are still tickets available so take advantage of this fabulous musical event.
For Info & Tix: newyorkpops.org
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New Campaign “A Modern Affair”

Fierce LGBT champion Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams launched a new campaign this month for the furniture empire entitled “A Modern Affair” which will include a 36-page custom catalog along with print, digital, social & outdoor initiatives. The campaign is an integral part of Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams’ commitment to the LGBT community along with using its messaging & advertising power to educate the company, Mitchell & Bob personally continue to work toward full equality at home, in the workplace, in schools & in religious institutions. The campaign is a testament to one of the company’s core values, equality for all. The strong suggestive message is that it’s more than okay to love whomever you chose. Mitchell Gold, Co-founder Chairman stated, “Who knows what the characters in these scenes are into. The point is, whatever your sexual orientation – gay, lesbian, transgender, or straight -- it’s about freedom to be with whomever you love, in whatever way feels right to you. For us, comfort has always been paramount in more ways than one. We want people to be comfortable with our home furnishings & in life.” Bob Williams, Co-founder & President of design added, “The new fashion campaign is edgy, moody & really tells a seductive story. Because of our rich & warm neutral palette & minimal use of pattern, our settings are a great backdrop for people at home.” Charley Holt, senior VP of marketing for Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams concluded, “The campaign is sexy & captivating & allows the viewer to create their own perspective on the nature of the relationships.” The new Fall Collection is mixed with stunning models dressed in Stella McCartney, Tom Ford, Gucci, Alberta Ferretti, Balmain, Nina Ricci, Chloe, Givenchy & Alexander McQueen.
For More Info: mgbwhome.com
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Kenya Pro LGBT Breakfast Event

Rev. Stephen Parelli & his husband Jose Ortiz of Other Sheep recently breakfasted together with pro LGBT Muslims & Christians in Mombasa, Kenya. Rev. Michael Kimindu of Mtito Andei, Kenya, brought together Muslims & Christians in Kenya for the purpose of providing education on sexual orientation in general & raising awareness of the presence LGBT people of faith within the Islamic & Christian communities of Kenya as well as addressing the need for LGBT inclusion. The attendees at the breakfast totaled 7 individuals in addition to Paelli, Ortiz & Kimindu. Three of the seven attendees were Muslim with the remaining four Christian. One of the four Christians was a lesbian, the only LGBT person of the seven at breakfast. This movement to educate on sexual orientation within the two respective faiths, is apparently a straight-ally movement. There have been 19 faith-based seminars on LGBT topics have been conducted in Kenya to date. Reports on the seminars, from which a history of the seminars & their proceedings can someday be written & published, have been maintained. Presently, not much detail can be published as these seminars will continue without pushback only if the people behind the seminars maintain low visibility. One of the resource materials used in the seminars is the Blue Book, an excellent introduction to understanding LGBT. The Blue Book was first introduced to Kenya & Rev. Kimindu in 2007 when Other Sheep’s Stephen Parelli & Jose Ortiz visited Nairobi at that time. Listen to our exclusion audio interview with Kenya Rev. John Makokha:
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LGBT Business & Leadership Event

The National Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce’s (NGLCC) International Business & Leadership Conference takes place August 11th to 14th in Greater Fort Lauderdale, the Gay Capital of Florida. This will be the first time the annual conference will take place in South Florida. Keynote speakers include personal finance guru Suze Orman, CNN anchor Richard Quest, Washington Post columnist & MSNBC contributor Jonathan Capehart & personal branding expert Sally Hogshead. The annual conference is designed to expand economic opportunities & advancements for LGBT business owners, as well as build strong relationships with corporate America is the most successful NGLCC conference to date. This event takes place at the Fort Lauderdale Marriott Harbor Beach Resort & Spa. Richard Gray, LGBTQ Managing Director for the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention & Visitors Bureau stated, “We’re honored to welcome attendees, keynote speakers & top Corporate America brands to our welcoming community & to host the largest LGBT business development event in the world.” Justin Nelson, NGLCC Co-Founder & President added, “NGLCC is proud to be bringing our annual International Business & Leadership Conference to Fort Lauderdale this August. Our local affiliate chamber, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Gay & Lesbian Chamber of Commerce (GFLGLCC), led by President & CEO Keith Blackburn, is doing wonderful things in the area & has worked hard to bring this opportunity to the local LGBT & allied business community.” More than 800 domestic & international LGBT & allied entrepreneurs, corporate representatives, business owners & chamber leaders will gather for three days of panel discussions, development seminars & special events designed to generate business opportunities and build corporate relationships. The conference is sponsored by American Airlines.
For More Info: nglcc.org
Listen: GLAD Advocates & Activists Discuss LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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Union Members Support Trans Rights

The United Food & Commercial Workers (UFCW) International Union have voted unanimously to take a vocal stand in solidarity with the tran...

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