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U.N. Addressing LGBT Rights

By Charlotte Robinson, August 24, 2015
U.S Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power & her Chilean counterpart Ambassador Cristian Barros Melet conducted the first ever U.N. Security Council meeting on LGBT rights Monday. Open to all U.N. member states, the gathering focused on the appalling abuse & violence being perpetrated against LGBT people in areas in which ISIS exerts control. Chad Griffin HRC President stated, “The gruesome images & videos documenting ISIS's horrific violence are a haunting reminder of humankind's capacity for evil. By convening this meeting, Ambassadors Power & Melet have made clear that these human rights abuses against LGBT people are not only deeply heinous & inhumane, but also a matter of utmost importance to global security.” In its path of destruction across Iraq & Syria, ISIS has released several images & videos documenting the brutal execution of those accused of being LGBT. The International Gay & Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC) has created a timeline of attacks against allegedly LGBT people, including executions that often involve throwing men from roof tops or stoning them to death. In a particularly shocking example, ISIS released videos of the public execution of four gay men on Twitter on the same day the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of marriage equality, using the hashtag “Love Wins”. We now have 19 countries with marriage equality& in two countries gay & lesbian marriages are legal in certain jurisdictions. However in 10 countries worldwide, gay & lesbian activity is punishable by death & 75 countries criminalize & hundreds of transgender individuals have been brutally murdered just in the last year.
For More Info: iglhrc.org
Listen: Filmmaker Garry DuFour Talks "Atomic Veterans Speak"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

This is great, but so much more to do.....

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