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GLSEN Respect Awards 2015

By Charlotte Robinson, August 25, 2015
GLSEN the leading national LGBT education organization focused on ensuring safe & affirming schools for all students will honor fierce LGBT allies Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake with the Inspiration Award at GLSEN’s Respect Awards in Los Angeles on Friday, October 23rd at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. In addition past honorees Bob Greenblatt, Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jim Parsons & Todd Spiewak, & Julia Roberts & Danny Moder will return as honorary co-chairs to help celebrate GLSEN’s 25th anniversary. Dr. Eliza Byard GLSEN Executive Director “We are thrilled to announce the honorees for the 2015 GLSEN Respect Awards - Los Angeles, two vocal & committed allies to the LGBT community who are also devoted to charitable works that improve the lives of youth. Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake have consistently been visible & committed allies. We are also happy to welcome back past honorees Bob Greenblatt, Marilyn & Jeffrey Katzenberg, Jim Parsons & Todd Spiewak & Julia Roberts & Danny Moder. We are inspired & honored by their continued leadership & support for the GLSEN Respect Awards.” Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake will be honored with the Inspiration Award for their long-standing commitment to improving the lives of children. They have also been vocal supporters of the LGBT community, using their profiles to raise awareness among fans & advocate for positive changes.
For Info & Tix: glsen.org
Listen: Filmmaker Garry DuFour Talks "Atomic Veterans Speak"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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