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LGBT Spin On First GOP Debate

By Charlotte Robinson, August 07, 2015
As expected LGBT issues weren’t really addressed in the first Republican presidential debate. The media is just highlighting Donald Trump’s slam at Rosie O'Donnell that unfortunately drew cheers from the audience. The other remarks worth mentioning was Ohio Gov. John Kasich who talked about marriage equality which he is opposed to but stated he accepts the June 26th Supreme Court ruling as established law. He also stated he recently attended a friend’s same gender wedding & that “of course” he’d love & accept a child of his who turned out to be gay. Winnie Stachelberg, Executive Vice President of External Affairs at the Center for American Progress Action Fund stated, “GOP candidates in tonight’s debate showed the emptiness of their rhetoric in touting opportunity for all when speaking about lesbian, gay, bisexual & transgender, or LGBT, Americans. Not only did their comments about the LGBT community show that they are out of touch with the majority of Americans, but they also used the guise of religious liberty to argue that our nation should move backwards in affording all Americans, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity, equal rights. Instead of discussing policies to broaden protections for LGBT Americans, such as comprehensive nondiscrimination reforms, the GOP candidates played to their conservative base. In a majority of states, gay & lesbian couples can be legally married & then be at risk of being fired from their jobs, evicted from their apartments, denied credit, or refused services or goods the next day, simply because of their sexual orientation. We need to broaden rights & equal protections for LGBT Americans, not shrink them & Republicans who continue to oppose these basic rights fall further out of touch with a growing number of today’s electorate.”
LISTEN: Marriage Activists Celebrate LGBT Equality
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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