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LGBT Elders of Color Boston Event

By Charlotte Robinson, August 27, 2015
The LGBT Elders of Color is having a Flashback Sunday Affair on Sunday August 30th from 2P to 5P. They will be celebrating the Supreme Court’s landmark marriage equality decision & equal rights for everyone. Bob Linscott LGBT Aging Project Assistant Director stated, “We hope you are enjoying your summer, truly ‘The Summer to Remember.’ Who could have predicted that we would have marriage equality in our lifetime in all 50 states, but it happened. We are also celebrating the Supreme Court’s other landmark ruling on the Affordable Care Act, which is a huge victory for everybody, especially LGBT people. These exciting events came on the coattails of our legislature’s indefinite extension of The Massachusetts Commission on LGBT Aging, which is the first of its kind in the nation that makes every senior center a welcoming place for all.” There will be music, dancing, food & beverage at the Flashback Sunday Affair on Sunday August 30th. The event is free but a suggested $10 donation will help fund this & future events. The Flashback Sunday Affair will be held at Central Boston Elder Services at 2315 Washington Street in Boston, Massachusetts. This is a festive gathering for LGBT Elders of Color & their friend & allies. The event is sponsored by The Fenway Health Institute, LGBT Aging Project & Central Boston Elder Services.
Please RSVP by calling: 617.396.4926
Listen: Filmmaker Garry DuFour Talks "Atomic Veterans Speak"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™

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