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Lea DeLaria To Play The Dinah

By Charlotte Robinson, January 26, 2016
Club Skirts Dinah Shore Weekend, the largest lesbian event in the world has announced that lesbian icon Lea DeLaria will join their 26th anniversary lineup that runs March 30th to April 3rd in Palm Springs, California. DeLaria popularly known as "Big Boo" the butchest inmate at Litchfield on Netflix’s original hit series “Orange Is The New Black” is bringing a special night of comedy & music to The Dinah. Mariah Hanson, founder & producer of The Dinah stated, “Lea is one of a kind. The first time I worked with her, I was just a young promoter. Here was this LGBT pioneer, this hot butch, a real comic genius & I was in awe. That was almost 20 years ago. The only thing that has changed is that she's an even hotter butch now than she was then and her genius knows no bounds. I'm happy to be working with her again & feel confident her singular brand of comedy will jingle some body piercings that evening.” As a comedian, actress & jazz musician Lea DeLaria is a force to be reckoned with. She’s the first openly gay comic to perform on American television making history when she boldly declared in 1993 on Arsenio Hall’s late-night prime-time talk show, “I’m a biiiiigggg dyke!” Besides playing ‘Big Boo’ on Netflix’s “Orange Is the New Black” she recently released her latest jazz album, “House of David” a timely tribute to the music of the late David Bowie, had countless concerts, theater roles, movies, stand-up specials & four albums with Warner Brothers. Listen to Lea in my 2012 exclusive audio interview:
For More Info & Tix: thedinah.com
LISTEN: Ken Henderson Talks Creating Change With Entertainment
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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