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Transgender People In Faith

By Charlotte Robinson, January 20, 2016
The Center for American Progress hosted an event on the inclusion of transgender people in faith communities with speakers Bishop Gene Robinson & transgender advocate & Baptist Minister Allyson Robinson. During the talk a new resource was released addressing this issue. Bishop Gene Robinson, CAP Senior Fellow & author of the resource stated, “I have been personally affected by many transgender faithful—two of whom are featured prominently in this document & what I have learned is that there is nothing in the teachings of Jewish & Christian faiths that would preclude transgender people from being accepted. But it is up to members of those faiths to build transgender-inclusive churches & synagogues. Without a better understanding of gender identity & religion, people of faith cannot hope to build the houses of worship & community it is clear our faiths require.” The resource is described in the preface as a "thank you" & a "welcome" to the transgender community with a first-person look at how faith, the Scriptures & conversations with transgender people have shaped Bishop Robinson's views on gender & sexuality & how those views of inclusion & understanding of transgender people are in line with the bedrock principles of the Jewish & Christian faiths. The debate within America's faith traditions over the inclusion of LGBT Americans has grown in recent years & many American faiths have begun to include the LGBT faithful into their communities in ways they had not in the past. However transgender people of faith are often less understood & subsequently less included in their faith communities than other LGBT Americans.
Read New Resource…
LISTEN: Trans Actress Jen Richards Creates New LGBT Web Series
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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