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LGBT On Martin Luther King Day

By Charlotte Robinson, January 18, 2016
This is the first year we celebrate Martin Luther King Day after the Supreme Court ruled marriage equality legal in all 50 states in this country. We owe a lot to the legacy of Martin Luther King & to quote Jack O'Dell, former Southern Christian Leadership Conference activist & aide to Dr. Martin Luther King, "Dr. King would have fully supported gay marriage" & the late Coretta Scott King agreed stating, “Gay & Lesbian people have families & their families should have legal protections.” We have fought hard to accomplish marriage equality to protect our LGBT families but we still have a ways to go until our LGBT community has full equality in America & globally but King would have been very proud about the advancements we have made in the last decade. In our annual LGBT Year-End Review & chat with Kate Clinton our favorite political humorist when asked about what she would like to see 2016 bring our community Clinton stated, “I would like to see a continuation of what I see as a whole exciting new generation of LGBT leaders & they wouldn’t even say they’re leaders because they don’t have a hierarchical idea of what they do. They’re activists, they’re feminists & the people who are moving for example the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement & these are young black feminists, some gay some straight & they’re involved in that & fearless.” Let’s all work together & achieve equality for all.
LISTEN: Trans Actress Jen Richards Creates New LGBT Web Series
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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