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Elyse Cherry LGBT Kudos

By Charlotte Robinson, October 26, 2016
Elyse Cherry, CEO of Boston Community Capital the fabulous community development finance institution, which works in low-income communities has been named to the 2016 OUTstanding Leading LGBT+ & Ally Executives & LGBT+ Future Leaders Lists presented by the Financial Times. This is the second year that Cherry has been named to the list for her commitment to LGBT equality in her organization, her profession & beyond. Cherry stated, “I am honored to have been named once again to the Financial Times’ OUTstanding Leading LGBT+ & Ally Executives & LGBT+ Future Leaders Lists. Throughout my career, I have made it my mission to advocate for the LGBT community: by helping to build bridges among the many communities in which we all participate, by assuring that benefits for Boston Community Capital’s LGBTQ employees & their partners were identical to those available to our married employees, years before those benefits were guaranteed by law, by chairing MassEquality during the height of the state campaign for marriage equality & by signing Boston Community Capital on to two Supreme Court amicus briefs in support of marriage equality. I look forward to continuing my LGBT advocacy work in the years to come.” Cherry continues her 25-year practice of advocating for LGBT issues at the front lines of Massachusetts’ political & business communities. In this exclusive audio byte we talked to Elyse a few years ago about Boston Community Capital & her commitment to LGBT equality. LISTEN:
For More Info: bostoncommunitycapital.org
LISTEN: Sandro Isaack Talks “Ava - The Lucky Girl With Two Dads”
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Elyse's commitment to the Community is steady and intentional and the effect of her work and generosity is a blessing.

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