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Provincetown Women's Week 2016

By Charlotte Robinson, October 08, 2016
The 32nd Women's Week takes place in Provincetown, Massachusetts from October 10th through October 16th. Founded in 1984 by several entrepreneurial & fabulous lesbian innkeepers it began as an intimate clambake that has become one of the longest & largest running lesbian events in history. One of the highlights this year is "Bride Pride" a massive lesbian wedding organized by Alli Baldwin & Ilene Mitnick who own Roux Bed & Breakfast which will occur on October 15th on the lawn of their inn & will be officiated by comedian & LGBT activist Kate Clinton. Baldwin stated, “When Kate is conducting the ceremony & all the women say their vows simultaneously, there will just be a hum of love. It’s just going to be a love fest on the front lawn. It’s going to be an absolutely beautiful day.” "Bride Pride" is just one of more than 100 events taking place next week. Over the past 32 years Women's Week has grown far beyond anyone's expectation. Comics, drag performers, jazz, blues & contemporary musicians have all performed in years past & continue to come back to entertain those celebrating during this special week. Some of these include iconic & award-winning LGBT entertainers include Lily Tomlin, Zoe Lewis, Kate Clinton, Karen Williams, Cris Williamson, Suede, Karen Grenier, Susan Werner, Julie Goldman, Mary Lambert, Our Lady J, Poppy Champlin, Scout Durwood, Jennie McNulty & Suzanne Westenhoefer.
For More Info…
Listen: Producer Sue Maslin Talks New Film "The Dressmaker"
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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