Pope Francis has done it again as he met with a French father whose young son wanted to transition after reading about it in a textbook the Pope stated, "This is against nature. It is one thing when someone has this tendency & it is another matter to teach this in school. To change the mentality -- I call this ideological colonization." The National LGBTQ Task Force described Pope Francis’ remarks about transgender people as deeply hurtful to millions. Rev. Rodney McKenzie, Jr., Director of the Academy for Leadership 7 Action, National LGBTQ Task Force stated, “When Pope Francis made his now famous ‘who am I to judge’ remarks, LGBTQ people of faith were hopeful of real change in the Roman Catholic church. Now millions of people are deeply hurt by what Pope Francis has said about transgender & gender non-conforming people, which reveals a profound lack of knowledge & empathy. We urge the pontiff to educate himself about the realities of transgender people’s lives & to welcome & affirm transgender & gender non-conforming people rather than reject & dehumanize them.” The Pope said he still spends time with transgender people, leading them closer to God. Obviously the Pope Francis needs to meet some trans folks that can open his mind & heart. Francis DeBernardo, Executive Director of New Ways Ministry concluded, "The pontiff's remarks are further evidence that church officials need desperately to educate themselves about the lives & experiences of LGBT people."
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