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Cesspool Filling The Swamp

By Charlotte Robinson, November 19, 2016
As we have witnessed this past week Trump has been picking the most homophobic, transphobic, racist, xenophobic & misogynistic candidates to fill his White House administration team including unconstitutional attempts to bring family members on his staff. After naming “Alt-Right” activist Steve Bannon with White Nationalist ties as his chief strategist & senior counselor his choice of ultra-conservative Senator Jeff Sessions as his Attorney General nominee is probably just the tip of the iceberg of what he has in store for our country. Trump appears to be draining the swamp & filling it with a cesspool. Rea Carey, Executive Director, National LGBTQ Task Force Action Fund stated, “Senator Jeff Session’s long track record reveals a politician who is transparently & vehemently against LGBTQ people, immigrants (both documented & undocumented) & people of color. This is the person who said the KKK is ‘OK’. Well having someone like that as Attorney General isn’t ‘OK’. President-Elect Trump’s notorious comments about Mexicans, Muslims & people of color during the election campaign emerge from a mindset that Mr. Sessions represents. He was rejected by the Senate for a federal judgeship in the past because of his bigoted views. He hasn’t changed & he shouldn’t be nominated nor be confirmed.” Fortunately the majority of Americans are rising up, organizing & ready to fight this backward assault on our nation & on humanity.
LISTEN: Dr. Lauren Costine Talks Healing LGBT Election Blues
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

chef Rossi said...

every day I am reminded more and more of how my mother described the rise of hitler
I really am terrified of what this monster might do

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