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Trump Meets With Jerry Falwell Jr.

By Charlotte Robinson, November 23, 2016
UPDATE: After recently meeting with anti-LGBTQ mogul Jerry Falwell Jr. about education issues, Donald Trump has chosen Betsy DeVos for Secretary of Education. DeVos & her family foundations have donated millions of dollars to extreme, anti-LGBTQ organizations. Some have promoted dangerous, unscientific "conversion therapies" to convert LGBTQ youth & all of them have fought against basic nondiscrimination protections, school safety & more.
President-elect Donald Trump met with one of the nation’s most prominent anti-LGBTQ leaders, Jerry Falwell Jr., to discuss a potential position in his Administration’s Department of Education. Fran Hutchins, Deputy Director Equality Federation stated, “Jerry Falwell Jr. espouses an extreme, anti-LGBTQ worldview. It would be a danger to our community, especially youth in schools, for him to be anywhere near our nation’s governmental affairs. It is deeply troubling that Mr. Trump is surrounding himself with the ‘who’s who’ of homophobic, racist & xenophobic leaders & we must not be silent. The incoming Administration is sending a message to our youth that it is okay to bully & discriminate.” Falwell Jr. is the son of homophobic icon Jerry Falwell Sr., the founder of Liberty University, who is widely viewed as the instigator of the “anti-gay industry.” Falwell Sr. blamed 9/11 on LGBTQ people & once stated, “AIDS is not just God's punishment for homosexuals; it is God's punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.” Falwell Jr. is currently the president of Liberty University. The school prohibits “homosexual behavior” & has hosted several anti-LGBTQ events, including those that promote the dangerous, unscientific practices of “conversion therapy.” Since 1997 Equality Federation has worked throughout the country to build the leaders of today & tomorrow, strengthen state-based LGBTQ organizations & make critical progress on the issues that matter most to our community.
For More Info: equalityfederation.org
LISTEN: Dr. Lauren Costine Talks Healing LGBT Election Blues
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


1 comment:

Marilyn Rosen said...

Like Father, Like Son....a "JR" at the end of the name in this case just means "Duplicate" Trump may seem to be mellowing on issues, but he's surrounding himself with those who will be in a position to do most damage.

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