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Boston Youth Pride Events

By Charlotte Robinson, May 15, 2017
Boston Pride & Boston Alliance of Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Youth (BAGLY) have announced that Massachusetts Youth Pride Festival & Parade will take place on Saturday, May 20th from 11A to 4P at Boston City Hall Plaza. Massachusetts Youth Pride is celebrating 23 years of queer youth movement in Massachusetts. This celebration is the oldest youth-led, adult-supported LGBTQ Youth Pride celebration in the country. The theme for this year’s Massachusetts Youth Pride festival is “Resist, Exist, Persist.” The theme of this year’s Boston Pride Week is “Stronger Together.” Sylvain Bruni, President of Boston Pride stated, “Our theme ‘Stronger Together’ encompasses the entire LGBTQ community & an important part of that is our youth. When we create safe spaces & programs for LGBTQ youth, like the Massachusetts Youth Pride Festival & Parade, we are helping the next generation to be free to be themselves & live their lives with dignity.” Bethany M. Allen, Director of Statewide Initiatives at BAGLY concluded, “We are expecting a great turnout for this year’s Youth Pride Festival & Parade & encourage youth of all ages to attend. The theme of Youth Pride is always chosen by young people, with input from members of our statewide network. Resist, Exist, Persist, or “REP” for short, is all about resilience & representation. Queer & trans youth are sending the message that they are here to stay.” There is no cost to march in the parade & groups are able to register the day of as well. Any group registering before May 17th will be entered in a drawing to ride the Duck Boat that will lead the Youth Pride Parade. The 37th annual BAGLY Prom will take place immediately following the Youth Pride Parade & Festival.
For More Info: bagly.org
Listen: Groundswell Fund Supports Women & Trans Folks of Color
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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