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SAGE Table & Kenneth Cole Event

By Charlotte Robinson, May 02, 2017
Kenneth Cole, Levi Jackman Foster & SAGE (Services & Advocacy for GLBT Elders) are presenting a special night on Tuesday, May 2nd at 7P to help build intergenerational connections in the LGBTQ community & talk about the intergenerational gathering happening this month on May 18th. There will also be a sneak-peek at the new limited-edition Kenneth Cole PRIDE Sneaker which I haven’t seen yet but I know I want a pair! Produced by SAGE & AARP, SAGE Table is designed for members of the LGBT community & allies to gather over a meal & talk about what caring looks like when age is not a barrier. Thousands are expected to participate at Tables across the country. On May 18th each gathering will bring together young & older members of our LGBTQ community & allies to break bread & build bonds. Q & A sessions at the events will bring young & older people together to share their perspectives on aging in the LGBTQ community & create stronger connections between generations. Organizers have set a goal of 10,000 participants who will meet in various venues. An estimated 3,000 have already committed. Tonight’s event takes place at Kenneth Cole Bond + Bowery Store, 328 Bowery Street, NYC.
For More Info & RSVP: sagetable.org
LISTEN: GLAAD's Sarah Kate Ellis-Henderson Talks Resistance
Hear Audio Interviews w/ LGBT Leaders @OUTTAKE VOICES™


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